Topic: Why did you start?

Topic #14:

Disclaimer: these are optional – if you don’t like ’em, don’t use ’em. Feel free to post something else, or explain why you don’t like this topic as your topic. It’s all good.

Here’s today’s topic idea:

What made you decide to start a blog? If you’ve blogged about this before, go back and read it. Is that still the reason? What’s changed?

Reminder: Do not answer this in the comments. That would be very silly. You should grab this topic and write a post about it on your blog.

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  1. I enjoyed writing this today. I’ve only been blogging for a few weeks but I was able to find places where I can improve.


  2. The last two weeks I’ve written more posts than I did in the whole of 2010. With more writing comes more editing. English is not my mother-tongue, so I have to look up a lot. When I’m tired I find myself writing “male” instead of “mail” and “write” instead of “right”. When “a writer’s wet dream” becomes “a wet writer’s dream”, you know it’s time to call it a night (or was it day??) Happy blogging!


  3. This was an awesome lead in for a blog post. This challenge has been great for me. It has opened the flood gates of creativity that I wasn’t sure was even there.

    I’ve also had the pleasure of reading a lot of wonderful posts. Great job everyone…happy writing 🙂


  4. I agree that this is a good question 😉 I’ve been trying to figure out when I could use one of the topics you’ve suggested into my existing photo blog. Standby, here it comes!!!


  5. Actually I started in order to find a better way to fill my time than just video games. On top of that I want to use my blog as a way to write about my view in, on, and around Japan. That and anything else in my life that seems interesting at the time.

    Here goes nothing!
