Signing up? Here’s a sample post

To help you on your way – here’s a sample post you can use on your own blog to announce your participation. Feel free to copy/paste, modify or improve to your heart’s desire:

Title: I’m Posting every day in 2011!

I’ve decided I want to blog more. Rather than just thinking about doing it, I’m starting right now.  I will be posting on this blog once a day / once a week for all of 2011.

I know it won’t be easy, but it might be fun, inspiring, awesome and wonderful. Therefore I’m promising to make use of The DailyPost, and the community of other bloggers with similiar goals, to help me along the way, including asking for help when I need it and encouraging others when I can.

If you already read my blog, I hope you’ll encourage me with comments and likes, and good will along the way.


<Your Name Here>

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  1. This is my first blog day of postaday 2011 and it coincides with another scheme that I have promised myself to do to finally get things done. A friend recommended the book: ‘The Greatest Secret in the World’ by OG Mandino where you have scripts to read every day to program your mind for success. Wish me luck!


  2. I just came across this blog site and decided to join in to see what others are up to. Fantastic idea for WordPress to support creativity and community!!!
    I’ve been photographing & posting daily for 108 days…and just started my second round of 108 days yesterday. I would love you to drop by for some daily inspiration and please share yours with me if you decide to comment. I can always use more inspiration in my life!


  3. I’m in a bind here and I’m seriously tempted to join. Only problem is that how do I know what I want to write? What should I write about? I have those little irks of ideas for stories that pop out, maybe I should do that. But I can’t decide if I want to do the daily or weekly. Perhaps the daily will get me more intuned with my inner muse… hmm.. Well, I’ll give it a shot.


  4. Perfect! I was just thinking, how am I going to find something interesting to blog about EVERY. DAY????? I’m a stay at home mom and often my days consist of no more than snot, food, poop, tantrums and Spongebob so having some suggestions on what to write is awesome. Thanks so much for this idea, just what I needed.


  5. This site sounds like fun! A chance to talk to others and share our photography creations. Have never blogged quite like this before…but oh well…lets give it a try and see how it goes. “I’m In” ;0)


  6. I’m sorry all, but I still didn’t really get this, can any body please explain what do I have to do after I participated? Is it just writing posts every day/week After we announce to participate?

    Thank you


    1. Hi Seeker!
      Its very simple.. just add a tag postaday2011 or postaweek2011, (depends upon which one u r partcipating in) to ‘every post’ u put up in ur blog.. and thats it..
      Oh..and dont forget to add the badge to ur blog so others will knw u r in..

      Hope this helps!

      Amatullah @


  7. Hello Everyone ~ 🙂

    I am new to this wonderful group too! Thank you all for being an inspiration in making it a sacred ritual to write and express in my blog more consistently. Sharing by adding my voice to the choir ~ And not to mention, getting my camera out and snap, snap, snapping away! Great photos everyone!!
    InJoy this day ~


  8. I had the idea to post something everyday for a while now! This is a great way to make that come true!! I’M IN! Never to late to start right??
    good luck everyone in sticking with it!!
    Greats Micky Kieboom


  9. yeah, i’m rather late to this. Trying the A Post a Week one. it’s productive procrastination for me! 😀


  10. Late I know, but nothing is never too late to do is it, I’m very new to this so thanks for the leg up.


  11. Love the whole idea of The Daily Post Scott, but can I just point out a spelling mistake in the sample post “similar” probably a typo.
    “luv ya” lol x
