Help Us Translate

With the new In-Page Translation tool, you can help translate the interface into your language.

When you’re with friends and family, you probably speak in your native language.

Here at, we think of all of you as our family, but we have yet to master all 105 languages into which is translated.

To address this, we’re happy to announce a major effort to improve the quality of our translations.

We’ve deployed a brand new tool, In-Page Translation, to allow you to participate more easily in the translation process — you’re part of the family, after all.

In-Page Translation Tool

Here’s how it works:

  1. On any dashboard screen or blog with its language set to something other than English, hover over your name and avatar on the Admin Bar.
  2. Click “Translate” link.
  3. A new sidebar with translation tools will appear on the left.
  4. Choose one of the rows, enter your translation, and hit “Submit.”
  5. Your suggestion is now sent to GlotPress.

Submitted translations will be reviewed by the translation validator for your language, and will become available on once we deploy the change.

We’re also working steadily to improve the quality and completeness of translations in the signup flow, the dashboard, and documentation. Our volunteer community continues to do amazing work! We’re continuing to supplement their efforts when appropriate with professional translators.

As part of this ongoing effort to improve our translation tools, we want you to share your insight with us. You’re all invited to provide feedback, give this new tool a try, and let us know how we’re doing.


Update – May 7: We’ve run into some last-minute technical difficulties, and the in-page translation tool has been temporarily disabled. We’ll update this post when we’re ready to go again.

Update – May 8: The in-page translations tool is active again. Thank you for your patience!

More on translation

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  1. Fraukje

    I would love to become a translation validator for the Dutch language 😀


  2. Rao Dao Zao

    Are there any plans to include en-GB? “en” right now seems to be en-US.


    • Naoko Takano’s original language is US English. We have a longer-term goal to implement language subset system to support British English and others.


  3. hbs1991

    Wow, this is so nice, I have felt so badly over the years, when I get a follower or subscriber that subscribes to my blog and would love to return the favor, but in the end find out that their blog is in another language, and have no idea what it is about at all.

    Thank you so much for doing this!


  4. colltales

    As a writer/editor of an English-language WP blog, Colltales, I’m ambivalent about this new feature. For as much as it makes sense for WP to offer such a tool, a challenge to Google’s savvy incursions in the field, Translation is a professional line of work, and as such, deserves to be a paid service. Instead of asking professionals to give away their valuable skills, why not provide ways to facilitate job opportunities to bloggers with multilingual expertise, by using WB immense database, the only way to assure dignity and reliability to the feature.


  5. CocinandoParaCarles

    I just set my language to macedonian (my native tongue) and I don’t have the option for translation suggestions (and one is needed 🙂 )


  6. skylarpurpleunicorn

    There 1582 strings translated into Polish waiting…


  7. senff

    I’m not seeing the “Translate” link even though I have set both my admin AND blog language to Dutch. Ideas…..?


  8. Sharon

    Thanks. I didn’t know that & that is a tool I need.


  9. jpeggytaylor

    This is a very timely post for me. I’ve been browsing at a couple of German blogs this weekend and though I learnt German in school, that was a l—o—n—g time ago and I’m a bit rusty 🙂 Also, I just found a new blog to follow which is written in Malay … interesting blogger and we have stuff in common … but I definitely need a translation! Thank you WordPress people – I shall definitely be trying this out!


  10. karensdestinationunknown

    This is a brilliant idea!


  11. Haru

    I’ll gladly help.


  12. 3bdelra7man262

    Why don’t you all importing strings from software, The translation process there is faster and likely complete for most of the languages 😉


    • Naoko Takano

      There are some reasons we need help with translation. First, we have some unique strings for specific to our service ( has about 20,000 strings, while software contains about 5000 strings). Also, some of the languages use different translation styles for and We’ll continue to try improving the process to share translation between these 2 projects. Thanks for your comment!


  13. Wilson Victoria

    Reblogged this on Buenas tipos and commented:
    admiro mucho el trabajo de jago.


  14. shreyadr

    wow! what a fantastic initiative! will love to be a part of this team.


  15. garciaking456

    Reblogged this on Muscle Maximizer.


  16. cyberwani

    I am unable to locate “Translate” on my Dashboard.


  17. Anurag Rathod

    I do not see such link to translate..


  18. dasmanuel

    Cool idea. But there is no such button in my Admin bar under my name …


  19. Kiki

    Is it possible this does not work when you have more than one blog? I have 3 English language blogs and 1 German language blog. When I hover over the avatar and name of the German one as you suggest, no translation tools pop up.


  20. lanamihailovic

    Reblogged this on TheGreaterFool and commented:
    Great idea. Let us connect.


  21. madeinusa2010

    Any time you need Romanian translation, let me know.


  22. nonsmokingladybug

    I could help, I speak/write German fluently. Love the idea!


  23. tonyechrist

    I am glad to help due to the fact that I am fluent in both.


  24. tao4islam

    Yes! It will improve the information disemination. I can do that in my language as well.


  25. Photos To Enjoy

    Unfortunately , I am not versed in other languages. However, I do think this is an excellent idea!


  26. Shirley

    This is a great way to contribute for us newbies who want to help but feel intimidated!


  27. Marie-Pierre Renaud

    What a wonderful initiative!


  28. tabulator

    Great idea. I would love to have a tool like this to translate themes too.


  29. Tom

    This is great progress in integrating the 105 languages into with GlotPress. Well done!

    Is GlotPress used with the self-hosted WordPress as well?


  30. katjaog

    I could help you as validator, developer, translator for Serbian and Croatian. Let me know..



  31. Julia

    Thumbs up for those English subset plans – Australian, please … or at least UK English


  32. evagaytan

    This is amazing that people are able to speak and communicate through different languages on this site specially since how diverse the world is now we should all be able to share what we want in the way that we want it even be able to inspire others to learn new things or teach them new things they might of not know off. awesome idea love it since i speak English and Spanish.


  33. farwesthorizon

    Reblogged this on farwesthorizon.


  34. chbutts5

    This is a great idea for WordPress. This would connect so many different languages and expand the blogs viewing, I support this!


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