<a href=Image by Jason Howie (CC BY 2.0)">

Image by Jason Howie (CC BY 2.0)

Publicize Crash Course: LinkedIn, Tumblr, and Path

Yesterday, we learned the ins and outs of pushing your new posts to Facebook, Twitter, and Google+. Today, we continue our tour of the Publicize universe with the three other social networks you can connect to from your WordPress.com account: LinkedIn, Tumblr, and Path.

The ability to share your content with different audiences quickly and easily will help you cultivate a healthy readership. Just as important, with Publicize you can tweak your sharing preferences so that each post reaches its intended destination: you can always choose which services to publish to, and what custom message to include (if any).

You can connect to these three services in exactly the same way, and from the exact same page, as the ones discussed yesterday. Simply visit Settings → Sharing in your dashboard, click “Connect” on the desired one, and authenticate your account in the window that opens. Once you’re done, you’ll see all the social networks you’ve connected to in every new post’s Publish module.

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All linked up

LinkedIn is by now much more than a professional networking site. It’s a major content hub in its own right, with movers and shakers from every possible sector sharing their ideas and connecting with like-minded thinkers.

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If you’ve decided to connect your WordPress.com site to your LinkedIn account, you can use it to increase your visibility within your professional circles, or join interesting discussions with other people in your field (or in any field, for that matter). For bloggers who often write about work-related themes, this is often a natural step to take.

The best part? If you occasionally publish posts that are more suited to be shared with friends or fellow bloggers than with potential employers, all you have to do is uncheck the LinkedIn box in the Publish module. While public posts are visible to anyone who’s visiting your site, you nonetheless control the content associated with your profile on LinkedIn.

Curate, collect, and write away

With millions of active users, Tumblr hosts an incredible number of buzzing communities, with a strong focus on the curation of visually striking art, photography, and animation (and, sure, a few gifs for good measure). Many a WordPress.com user has benefitted from connecting an art-filled site or a professional portfolio with a tumblr blog. Aimed for quicker consumption, it lets you expose your work and the content you’ve curated around the web to a different, less text-oriented audience.

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Of course, nothing stops you from sharing any content to your Tumblr account. Even if your post contains no images at all, it can still benefit from the added exposure of another venue. A link in your followers’ feed will allow them to visit your blog and explore your content, both old and new.

Share a moment with one click

Path, the most recent addition to the Publicize lineup, lets users create a more intimate social network, as it caps the contacts you can add at 150. This makes it ideal for sharing personal stories, photos, and updates — “moments” that members of your network can enjoy from their smartphones.


Just because your posts will be viewed on a smaller screen doesn’t mean they’ll lose their luster — if you use the image or video post format, the media in question will be resized to fit your contact’s smartphone screen. For longer posts, Path will display an excerpt of the content, with a link to visit your blog for anyone who’d like to read the rest.

We lead multidimensional lives across multiple platforms. With Publicize, you can create a customized sharing experience for all the content you produce. If your WordPress.com site is the hub of your online content creation, Publicize expands your reach into the different corners of your network, making your presence as visible and as accessible as you want it to be.

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  1. karinconway

    This is one of my favorite parts about blogging with WordPress. I can “push” my message out to numerous places without having to log into each account and re-post the same info over and over. Yeah for efficiency!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. philly89

    Very interesting!


  3. dheerajsah

    Haven’t used Path much, but I think your post still points out a number of good points! Thanks for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. homelyrecipes

    Thank you for sharing these ideas.I am a new blogger and your posts are really helpful for me.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. HipsterApproved.net

    HHmmm..I’ll have to look into Path.
    Thanks for this info!


  6. Carolyn Sonnek

    Reblogged this on Jetpack for WordPress and commented:

    The second part of the Publicize Crash Course series. Learn how to connect LinkedIn, Tumblr, and Path in your Publicize settings!


  7. florencesophie

    This is very helpful, thank you


  8. Jens

    Since start the Path feature doesn’t work correct – you cannot share images to Path. 😦


    • Ben Huberman

      In some cases, depending on the image and the post format used, Publicize will push a link to your image, which will still allow your Path connections to view the image.


  9. Fabio Grasso

    Please add support also for Linkedin pages. Great feature but I don’t want to publish on my personal Linkedin profile, just on the corporate page…


    • Ben Huberman

      Thanks for the suggestion! While we currently can’t offer that option, it’s a good idea to explore.


  10. NickyGoGlam

    Thank you for this!


  11. elenaramirez

    Thanks for giving more insight into how to “publish” more, and with other outlets. I did authorize my blogs, with Tumblr and Linkedin. Path seemed so vague, to be honest. It was not user-friendly to even sign up. But it was nice to see my blogs on these other networks. WordPress, you are always outstanding, helpful, and innovative. I love WordPress.com — thanks, for all the help.


  12. charlottebrennanblog

    Path is a new one to me. Like the sound of it. Useful stuff!

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Yan Balczewski

    Besides pushing the posts through those social media, are there any good ways to post the blog link to profile such as Linkedin, so that the readers of Linkedin can check into the blog through the link?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ben Huberman

      When you publish a post to LinkedIn, it in fact shows as a link on your feed, which directs whoever clicks on it to the original post on your blog. You can, of course, also give a link to your blog on your main profile.


  14. shauna lee lange

    Still want to be able to push to Pinterest. Anyone with me??

    Liked by 2 people

  15. blueboxsdubai

    Thanks, that was great help!!!


  16. echohang

    Never used Path. Thanks for sharing this info.


  17. toyinletstalkabout

    Great post. I actually just noticed that in the ‘settings’ this very week, that WordPress.com had that link to other websites, it makes sharing very easy.


  18. myofficepod

    Useful article, just not sure I want all my 410 colleagues on LinkedIn watching me build a shed/office! 🙂


    • Ben Huberman

      That’s precisely where unchecking the Publicize box comes handy — you get to decide which posts get pushed there, and which don’t.


  19. Frank J. Casella

    Thanks for this reminder as I was thinking about transitioning to my Tumblr, because my pictures seem to have more of a following there in recent months. Publicize can pull my Tumblr followers to my WordPress, as well as Flickr which are my favorite platforms of all. Glad you included LinkedIn too, as Flickr doesn’t even do that.


  20. Lunesoleil

    just enable this module in our dashboard? Thank you


    • Ben Huberman

      Once you’ve connected to any of these services through Publicize, in your dashboard, they will appear in the Publish module when you’re writing a new post.


  21. scarlettfrostblog

    Thanks, I’m going to add tumblr, I didn’t even consider that one.


  22. eselarrr

    Sounds good. Thanks for this, now my posts will be posted on my tumblr 🙂


  23. alienheartbeat

    I do publish to Tumblr. Works v well.

    I don’t publish directly to FB or Twitter as I want to put a summary there, rather than the first two sentences.

    Linkedin: I think it best to separate the professional and the creative.


  24. naveen

    yeah it’s really helpful for us for post sharing ,without again and again login ..
    but sir i have a question that sometimes pinterest says we can’t fetch the image due to this i unable to share my post ,why this happens…??? please tell me…


    • Ben Huberman

      Connecting your Pinterest account isn’t currently available through Publicize. For information on other ways to integrate your WordPress.com account and your Pinterest account, visit this page, or check out this recent post on that very topic.


  25. Rebecca Tran

    This is great!


  26. candylocs

    I’m checking this out! Looks interesting!


  27. loupollard

    Thanks for this great post, I’m now going to select which posts I publicise on Linked In, I didn’t know I had the option to do that. More reasons to love WordPress!


  28. nishkarshsharma93

    Thanks for sharing. Very helpful 😀


  29. kirstyleanne

    This is great! I love that you can select what posts you publicize to certain sites. I would love to be able to post my blogs to my Tumblr too, however I feel as it is more about images/videos/gifs it is probably not the best Social Media Platform for me!


  30. allmediamath

    I must admit that I’ve been ignoring the publize feature up to now … shame on me … but after reading your post I immediately got to work. 🙂


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