30 Days, 30 Posts: NaBloPoMo is here!

There’s a lot of buzz each November around NaNoWriMo — you may notice some of your favorite blogs dedicating themselves to churning out 50,000 words this month.

If 50,000 words seem like 49,000 too many or you’re more interested in blogging than writing a book, NaBloPoMo — National Blog Posting Month — might be your speed: a challenge to post once every day for the entire month of November. No theme, no word count, no rules; just you, your blog, and 30 new posts.


NaBloPoMo started in 2006 in response to NaNoWriMo; not every blogger has the time or inclination to write a book, but the idea of a challenge that forces participants to stretch themselves, grow as bloggers, and be part of a supportive community is undeniably appealing. As founder Eden Kennedy, the power blogger behind fussy.org, put it:

If there’s one thing creative people agree on it’s that the more you do something, the better you get at it. If you want to be a better writer, you have to write; if you want to be a better blogger, you have to post. And one way to break down the barriers between thinking about writing and actually doing it is by posting every day for a month.

NaBloPoMo_November_smallAs Eden’s readers jumped on board, the event spawned an online community that swelled to the tens of thousands and was acquired by BlogHer, which committed to providing a space to nurture and grow the event year-round. Now, BlogHer hosts NaBloPoMo 12 months a year, with each month organized around a theme — except November. In keeping with the original NaBloPoMo, November remains a free-for-all month (and the month with the most robust participation).

You don’t need to register with BlogHer to participate — although there are great reasons to, like the readership increase that comes with being part of a large community or the prizes. (And anyone, male or female, is welcome.) Just publish a post on November 1st, keep on going until the 30th, and bask in the glow of a challenge conquered.

Get posting!

Still on the fence? Don’t take our word for how rewarding it is — take a participant’s:

NaBloPoMo has not been as trying or as dramatic as a marathon, but I feel marvelous about it. I proved I can set and accomplish goals. I proved I’m a writer, because you know what writers do? They write, you guys.

I pushed my chair away from the table minutes ago to answer a text, and the motion of leaving my half-written thoughts on the screen felt real. Official. Important. Writing is a thing I do.

I’m creating my future.

Since there are no posting guidelines other than posting something, NaBloPoMo is a great time to write that post you’ve been mulling on for a few weeks, or to branch out to new post formats, topics, and mediums. Play! Experiment! Flex your blogging muscles. Elisa Camahort Page, one of the co-founders and COO of BlogHer, offers this advice:

Let go of the idea of perfection. You don’t have to publish a perfect post. You don’t have to have every day’s contribution be a finely-crafted 500-word essay. Maybe some days you post a photograph that expresses that day’s prompt. Maybe some days you report on a snippet of overheard conversation *without* adding voluminous commentary to it.

Exercise your writing muscle. Some days can be high weight, low repetition. Some days can be low weight, high repetition. Some days can be stretching… the key is to do it and free yourself from rigid expectations!

Have the motivation, but not the inspiration?

Posting every single day, even when you get to decide what you post and when, is challenging; in some ways, it’s tougher to come up with an original idea each day than to respond to a theme.

Luckily, there are lots of resources to get you to the “Publish” button daily:

Ready now? We thought so. Happy NaBloPoMo!

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  1. jezabelbotanica

    Mh… I like the idea… but I will probably do the NaNoWriMo 😉


  2. fallenapostate

    I’m gonna try and push myself to do the impossible. I will try to keep blogging at least 1,000 words per day as well as write 2,500 words for two books. I will try…might need a hell lot of coffee or I will have to teach my brain to use the power of cell phone blogging.


  3. Mary

    Fabulous idea. Not a cats chance in hell of managing to do this this year. But good luck to everyone who tries. Would love to follow someone who is going to attempt this.


  4. KristinaLudwig

    Great post and awesome challenge! Thanks for the hints and inspirational resources. 🙂

    However, all the hype about NaNoWriMo and NaBloPoMo leaves me wondering why November is the month to do all these demanding things… Most writers (and people in general) catch the blahs this time of year. I think the writing / blogging community should start something in January, when we’re all high on New Years’ resolutions!!


  5. nantubre

    well, what do you know? I’m gonna take you up on that challenge!


  6. mommaroars

    Challenge accepted!!!!


  7. willowdot21

    I am going to try for a blog a day this month!


  8. rutaagayire

    This is great way for a writer to increase the speed of thoughts to be pen down. However, I was trying to understand how does one get the badge as mentioned above. Is there any prizes to be won if done . And would the curator of Blogher would get to know our participation. Lets us the details or link we can read exactly each each details.


    • michelle w.

      If you follow one of the links to BlogHer you can find the code for the badges, register for the official blogroll, and see the requirements for being entered to win prizes — they’re giving away iPad minis, as well as passes to the 2014 Annual BlogHer Conference!


  9. matttblack42

    I’ll be doing this this month. Hopefully it won’t end horribly.


  10. michelle w.

    All those of you jumping into the ring — congrats, and good luck!


  11. Busy Elle Bee

    Hi, I’m attempting to write a cookbook and blog about my progress everyday – 2 challenges at the same time. Eek. Come and join me and if you like to contribute that would be cool too 🙂


  12. Paul Handover

    Been writing a blog post every day since July 15th, 2009. Now signed up and fully committed to NaNoWriMo. Sorry, can’t stop – must get back to the book! 😉


  13. yippieyou

    Just started my blog, this seems like something to try!


  14. teamzuhl

    I’ve done Nanowrimo, but there’s no way I’d have enough time this year. Definitely into 30 posts in 30 days, though!


  15. LordBeariOfBow

    What a pity that this is “National Blog Posting Month” and not ” International Blog Posting Month”; but I suppose this is what we aliens who inhabit the earth east of New York, Florida etc, west of California and Alaska have come to expect.


    • michelle w.

      It began as the effort of a handful of bloggers, but is a fully international event now, with thousands of participants around the world (although the original name stuck). I hope you won’t let that deter you from participating if it seems like fun!


  16. Sara

    I am going to try. Thank you for inspiring me to take the leap. 😀


  17. constantcommoner

    Just signed up and wrote my first post. Thanks for posting this. I wouldn’t have known about it otherwise.



  18. The Bookworm

    I am SOOOOOOO doing this!


  19. Amar Naik

    wow. this is great. jumping into it.


  20. mm1066

    I’m doing it, but I decided to start a secondary blog just for my nano project because it’s a step away from my regular topic. Good luck fellow wrimos!


  21. cricketfox

    I am in on this one


  22. prisailurophileblog

    Good luck to all! More importantly, have fun 🙂


  23. christrocks

    I was tempted to do NaBloPoMo, but that would mean giving up NaNoWriMo! Never! lol 🙂


  24. yos3prens

    It’s challenging idea. Therefore, I should make a mind map what I will write in the next 30 days. 🙂


  25. mistywink

    i might not be able to reach 1,000 words per day but i will try to post each day.
    ill try not to just say blah blah and blah…. Hmmmm… This is a real challenge for a newbie… Goodluck to everyone!


  26. thirdeyemom

    I’ve never done this before but I feel like it is such a wonderful challenge to do and offer so much freedom and creativity. I’m trying it my new blog I recently started and can’t wait! 🙂


  27. belle.beckford

    Challenging, but I think I need to push myself to write more. Count me in!!


  28. lvadams

    I’m doing both. Definitely doing NaNo. And a professional blogger friend recently suggested I blog daily, so I’ve been doing that for almost a week now anyway. Shouldn’t have any issue doing both this month. 🙂


  29. myfemalepersuasion

    i signed up, but the Blogher site isn’t allowing me to sign in, comment, or anything with my WordPress username and ID. 😦


  30. Amateur Bot-ann-ist

    I’m doing NaNoWriMo but I might as well give this a shot too. Will post to BOTH of my blogs tonight just so I can get it going. So far I’ve written my 2,000 words for my novel today and having planned the story in advance this is going to go a lot easier than last year. Let’s do this!


  31. Jixi Fox

    Hmmm seems like a SPLASH, tag both, challenge yourself and grow. Yea for the community. 🙂


  32. jazzytower

    Ok, lets see how this goes!! I joined up.


  33. Brent

    Why not do both?


  34. Dale

    Drat, I should have read this post yesterday! Ah well, I am going to take this challenge although I will not get 30 posts in until Dec 1st.


  35. thebritishberliner

    Good Luck everyone. I would like to participate but I’ve got 5,000 academic words of my own….but what a fantastic idea. Do we get something else to do in January too?


  36. looper

    Challenge accepted. I just don’t know what to post to fill 30 posts :D.


    • michelle w.

      Both BlogHer and The Daily Post offer writing prompts every day, which are great for a boost when you’re not sure what to write about.


  37. awax1217

    I have been blogging on your site since May and I really enjoy it. I do sometimes two or three blogs per day. I do have a twenty five thousand word book so far. Should I submit it? How? Do I need to get to fifty thousand words? I may need some advice, how do I get it? It is about a serial killer, is that acceptable? I do not go into sex or brutality or bad words or detail blood scenes. Just not my thing. Please give me some direction.


  38. marcy westerling

    So here is my concern….wont subscribed readers stop clicking open new posts if they get too many? I would. I do. And I think turning off readers with too much content is it’s own form of harm. I can practice my daily writing without overwhelming my reads. What am I missing here?


    • michelle w.

      Plenty of blogs post daily — or multiple times per day — as a matter of course. Your readers subscribe because they like what you have to say — if you’re posting content that’s true to yourself, and not just filler, you’re not turning anyone off. You can also let people know you’re participating, so they expect and understand that there’ll be a new post daily.


  39. Krishnan P Nair

    I’m new to blogging. Joined wordpress last month. The procedure for joining in on the November challenge is still fuzzy to me. Do I just need to post once every day? (I’m already doing that) How do participate?


    • michelle w.

      That’s all! You can follow on of the links to BlogHer if you’d like to register for the official blogroll or grab a NaBloPoMo badge for your site, but all you really need to do is post.


  40. annisik51

    I’m in.


  41. The Fantasim

    Have fun! I’m trying for 1,000 or more per day. : ) 0


  42. pink-briefcase

    This will be my second year doing NaBloPoMo and I highly recommend it! A great way to learn about yourself and your readers.


  43. adicamillo

    I love this!


  44. Tammy Loftis

    I just saw this in my email… Uhg! Its the 2nd, so is it too late to get started? I didnt post anything yesterday and Im not on blogher yet…


  45. flicts

    I discovered this project on the NaPhoPoMo version, via chookooloonks.com/blog. It’s great for those who fel more confortable with images 🙂 Bottom line is that it’s good to push our creative limits and keep on going and improving ourselves.


    • michelle w.

      I hadn’t heard of NaPhoPoMo yet — thanks for sharing.

      I admit that I got a little excited when I saw the name, because I immediately thought it meant 30 days of pho (the soup). But photoblogging is just as good!


  46. Kathleen Acebuche

    I think I’m going for this instead of NaNoWriMo. Writing a book scares me. Since for me it’s a big step for a beginner like me. Thoug it’s already the 3rd in my time zone, I think it’s not yet late for me to start my 30 days blog challenge.


  47. LubbyGirl

    I think I might *gulp* be brave and try this.


  48. LubbyGirl

    So – I signed up. Now I can use that badge in a post, right??


  49. redtearsblackwings

    Ah this is a great way to ease into the NaNoWriMo! I wanted to do the NaNoWriMo but inspiration didn’t strike, I find it hard to think on the spot of an idea like that so the equivalent but as a blog post will hopefully be easier for me to manage 😀 Best of luck to all 🙂


  50. auntytriss

    I’m in! Let’s see if I can keep it up beyond two days…


  51. stephaniepawley

    I am going to give this a try. I recently moved all of my blogger blogs into two different new wordpress blogs, so will be signing up tomorrow.


  52. JamesStratton

    I look forward to the challenge!


  53. smbishop

    Ok. NaBloPoMo will be a challenge but I am in! I have just started blogging recently. Womenlivinglifeafter50.com. I have recipes for Christmas for 5 generations of my family. This is as good a time as any to push myself to begin this project: “100 years of Christmas Traditions and Recipes” (Tentative title). PS I had difficulty signing in to BlogHer also.


  54. tribblelxxi

    I’m just trying to get to two consistent blog posts a week! I can’t imagine one a day!


  55. Just My Opinion

    Count me in! I’ve been managing so far – a blog a day and trying to keep it focused rather than haphazard themes! A movie review a day! Follow, like, share and comment and let me know what you’d like me to review! This is fun and it feels so fantastic completing a blog a day on top of my journalism and freelance writing by day! Enjoy 🙂


  56. smandala

    Imagine my surprise! I didn’t know about this initiative – got lots of info about writing a novel, which I am adamantly NOT interested in doing and decided to blog every day for the month. So I have no new or original thoughts. . .


  57. youngatfifty

    this is the kind of external stimuli I need to get me to post !!!! never knew of Nablopomo until now. Being a latecomer wondering if I could start 4 days into the month already ! I think I will today … better late than never as the saying goes :)) I really like the idea of Nablopomo. I had participated in Nanowrimo some years back and even won it but dint like the fact that we put in so much effort into it and it wasn’t worth it at the end of it.


  58. luisvelasquezcumplido

    Too much for me, but great idea…


  59. beliebinme

    I’m a couple of days late but i’m going to try and do this! 🙂


  60. cindamackinnon

    I have no idea how people do this in a month. I haven’t even completed a chapter in the last couple of weeks – I shouldn’t admit to that, but I’ve been too “dispersed” to concentrate on one writing project. That must change!!


  61. orthodoxmom3

    I’ve just started blogging regularly. I won’t do every day because I’m taking Sundays off but the idea is great. I love it!


  62. fallenapostate

    Is it a women only site?


  63. kari

    Unless I’m misunderstanding something, the ABOUT section of BlogHer indicates that wordpress.com sites do not meet one of their qualifications for registration on their site.


    • Ben Huberman

      Hi Kari,
      That restriction is for BlogHer’s ad network (since WordPress.com doesn’t allow external advertising), not for general participation in the network or NaBloPoMo. I hope this clarifies any confusion!


  64. kari

    BlogHer restrictions: per my comment above: http://www.blogher.com/publishing-network/welcome


  65. ranu802

    I have one question about NaBloPoMo.Where will I find the writing of people who have signed up for it? I see mine under comments I made.Am I missing something?
    Ranu 802


  66. jarofpennies

    I’m new to blogging, and tend to spend more time thinking of blog posts than actually putting my hands on the keyboard. Although I’m too late to sign up for this with BlogHer, I’m going to try to post something relatively coherent every day. Lord knows I have enough swirling around in my cranium at any moment of the day to share at least a few words. There is clearly absolutely nothing to lose here!


    • beayoooutifull

      Never too late to start, right?
      I just found about this today and plan on finishing until the end of the month even if I only get to post 16 instead of 30. 🙂


  67. laureljoy72

    I just now uncovered the “Daily Post” and I adore the prompts! I think my writing will grow with nurturing such as the nudges this provides! Awesome. 😀


  68. Gerber Ink

    Reblogged this on Charlotte Gerber and commented:
    As a NaNoWriMo participant, I just HAD to post this!


  69. rramyr

    I uncovered this post only today and I hope it is never too late to start. So it is 15 posts in 30 days. It sure is going to help me as a new blogger, taking up this opportunity to nurture my skills and meet fellow bloggers!


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