WordPress.com by the Numbers: The July 2013 Hot List

When you hit “Publish” and send your work out into the world, do you stop to think about the larger ecosystem in which your blog is embedded? After all, one of the things that makes a blog a blog and not simply a website is that it’s part of a larger community and conversation.

Well, we do, so we thought we’d take a look at July by the numbers to get a sense of the scope of your creations.

Ready? You might want to sit down first — you’re an impressive bunch!

You’re prolific.

You started 1,204,432 new blogs, for an average of 38,853 a day. Tuesday, July 2nd, was the most popular day to start a new blog.

You wrote a grand total of 11,549,273,687 words in 47,231,836 posts, which racked up 4,000,863,171 pageviews.

That’s 133,672 words every single minute…

… or 20,624 copies of the English translation of War and Peace…

… or 7,537,707,792,351,330 bytes of data. (Whoa! We’re gonna need a bigger blog.)

You’re on the go.

599,340 of those posts were published by email. 261 were published by voice (yes, you can do that).

1,259,096,024 pages were accessed with a mobile device.

279,579,298 of those used an iPhone. 3,756,390 were on a Windows 8 phone.

You care a lot about politics, and a tiny bit about spelunking.

Approximate breakdown of the internet: Light Blue: Politics Dark Blue: Spelunking Orange: Cats

Approximate breakdown of the internet:
Light Blue: Politics
Dark Blue: Spelunking
Orange: Cats

23,969,983 of those posts were about politics.

8,357,758 were about cars.

645,633 were about Iraq.

8.979 were about George Zimmerman.

875 were about Daft Punk.

19 were about spelunking.

An unquantifiable number were about cats.*

Overall, you followed 259,402 different topics in the Reader.

*Actually, it was 5,442.

You’re highly sociable.

You left 68,696,188 comments on each others’ blogs.

Thursday the 11th was the most popular day for comments — you wrote 2,360,990 of ’em.

(We nuked 134,109,468 spam comments. You’re welcome!)

You also left each other 7,501,667 Likes, and shared each others’ posts to Facebook 3,072,294 times.

We’re hard at work.

We deployed 4,252 changes and updates WordPress.com to make your blogs better, faster, and safer.

We also hired 10 new folks who will work full-time to make WordPress.com even more awesome. (And we’re still hiring!)

Happiness Engineers left 22,429 replies to your questions on the Support Forums.

We added six new themes to the Theme Showcase.

Story Wranglers highlighted 225 of you on Freshly Pressed, bringing you 52,942 clicks.

Your blogs are way more than simple posts.

You embedded 187,660,662 files in your blogs, including 19,012 Bandcamp files, 13,487,683 Flickr images, 56,699 Slideshare presentations, and 9,779,082 YouTube videos.

You added 145,597 of the most popular widget, the Text Widget, and 3,141 of the least popular — the Box.net Widget.

If these numbers seem staggering to you, that’s because they are! We’re amazed every single day at the incredible things you create. From the searingly honest stories to the otherworldly photos, ways you make themes your own, and original art, music, and film you publish, the creativity of the WordPress.com community knows no bounds. We’re proud to play a part in facilitating that.

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  1. Ms. Roberts

    Wow! That’s a lot!


  2. Jerry "Peacemaker"

    It’s a beautiful thing…


  3. jdsfiction

    WordPress Staff and Users, you guys rock the casbah!


  4. Russ Roberts

    I’m impressed.


  5. Dee

    These stats are so fun!


  6. geekergosum

    Mmmmmmmmmmmm…stats. Although it’s a little sad that some posts don’t get any likes (a rate of 0.15 likes per post). I do have doubts about the 5,000 cat posts…have you not seen the Internet?


    • michelle w.

      I thought the same thing 🙂 To be fair, those are just posts that were tagged “cats” — I’m sure there are many more flying under the radar.


  7. aearthr

    Wow, amazing stats. Would be even better with infographic! By the way, i started my blog 4 days after the most popular day.


  8. Gaurav Tiwari

    Interesting stats. Keep them coming regularly. I love numbers. 🙂


  9. Andra Watkins

    I’m really proud to be part of the WordPress community. We rock! 🙂


  10. Vishal Saxsena

    Impressed with the information.


  11. Lois Roelofs

    Inspiring. Thanks.


  12. seweverythingblog

    Wow! Weird feeling to know that I’m a minuscule speck (almost invisible) of this eco-system! Great job, WordPress, and thank you for doing what you’re doing, and for putting everything in perspective. Love the info-post! Congrats on your growth!


  13. ym1611

    I love WordPress for letting me do what I do, even though I’m a total noob, so thank you!
    And I love how big the numbers are 😀


  14. iamlenise

    I always knew people loved cats..but not that much..wow…


  15. Ryan

    Thanks to 19 bloggers, I learned that spelunking has nothing to do with butt plugs! Thank you Word press community!


  16. Paul Bowler

    Wow, that’s amazing!


  17. neverending1

    I love WordPress.


  18. Tess Ross

    I’m confused, your stats say ‘8,357,758 were about cars’ note CARS not cats! So how come the orange shows the stats for CATS not CARS?? Am I missing something? Love the stats by the way.


  19. Collector

    Impressive statistics.
    So are cats going to get into cars and “run over” politics?


  20. studioeiq

    Woah. Theses stats just blew my mind.


  21. longislaand

    Amazing figures that’s why i always love to blog on word press.Simply Best!


  22. Bra Willy

    I can’t wait for Worpress to allow bloggers on this platform to access more detailed traffic stats relating to their individual blog posts than is the case now. I am interested in return visits and devises used to access my posts 🙂


  23. Christine Goodnough

    Sounds like I need to write more about my cats to increase traffic to my blog. But they are lively, adorable, cuddly — what’s not to write?
    Thanks, WordPress people, for all your hard work and dedication to making this a great place. Special thanks for filtering out all that SPAM.


  24. M E McMahon

    Wow….just wow!


  25. tacticianjenro

    Dogs need some love! And awesome! We love you WordPress!


  26. IdealisticRebel

    These are amazing numbers. A big hand to all of us and to you WordPress. You do the hard work.


  27. Stephen

    very nice, these sort of insights are cool to see, hope you guys do more of these.


  28. lmw7

    I started one of those new blogs, it’s my first one. WordPress is awesome!!!


  29. Shirley

    This post is so amazing – it really gives me a sense of where each of us fits in the crazy world that is the internet. Helps when you’ve been sitting at your laptop by your lonesome all day, painstakingly editing a post!


  30. richbrunelle

    Overall, very impressive. But, are you sure you counted me in this. It seems like I’ve been busier than that! (lol)


  31. dilmilgaya

    WOW! fantabulous !! nice knowing about it in a holistic way. There is so much to read on wordpress, so its no wonder my blog gets less followers & visitors. Care to follow my blog guys/gals?


  32. justme4now2

    Wow amazing! And I just wanted a spot to express and process feelings and emotions safely and privately. Well I guess anonymously would be true 🙂


  33. scmeeko

    Wow, very impressive.



    wow..wow..wow… I like..


  35. Real real me

    Happy to be part of this community. 🙂


  36. noone222

    Really cool. I never thought that i am part of such an big thing.
    You rock !


  37. sophieju

    That is amazing! Wonder how many join up in a month! lol


  38. Shae Creative

    Awe. So happy to be a part of it all! Wait … I’m a number, a statistic … hmmm.


  39. Gitanjali Singh Cherian

    Oh dear! I am but a drop in the ocean! Woe is me! 😉


  40. taylorkaren

    Dat irie!


  41. Russell Deasley

    I can’t remember posting that many, but it has been a busy week.


  42. Arkangel

    Heheh good to know everyone of us is one of them. Together we can make WP take over the bloggong world~


  43. Hana

    I think that’s why I love WordPress..com so much! Thank you.


  44. youngjhung

    WordPress: best thing I’ve joined since yoga. Fascinating stats!


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