Publisher: Home Page

Publisher: Home Page

New Themes: Publisher and Zoren

What better way to kick off August than with two new themes? Today we have both a premium theme and a free theme for your viewing pleasure, Publisher and Zoren.

Publisher is the first premium theme on by our newest partner Okay Themes. We’re incredibly thrilled with the designs that Mike McAlister of Okay Themes has in store for you all, starting with Publisher.

Publisher: Home Page

Publisher: Home Page

Curate an eclectic scrapbook of photos, videos, audio, and more with Publisher. Featuring a responsive, masonry-style layout, Publisher looks just as good on your mobile device as it does on the desktop. It was meticulously designed and developed with simplicity and usability in mind. Every pixel and line of code has been researched and scrutinized, resulting in one of the neatest, leanest, standards-driven themes out there.

Publisher is a premium upgrade for your blog; read more about its features on the Theme Showcase or dive right into previewing it on your blog from Appearance → Themes.

Next up is Zoren, a responsive theme designed by FabThemes; it’s perfect for a personal blog. The responsive design means it adjusts and resizes itself to the screen resolutions of various devices.

Zoren: Home Page

Zoren: Home Page

Because Zoren is a flexible and versatile theme, it doesn’t matter what you blog about — technology, photography, food, sports, etc., — Zoren will handle it and display your content with simplicity and elegance.

Did I also mention that Zoren comes with some great features? A sidebar for your widgets and a full-width page template, and support for post formats.

Read more about its features on the Theme Showcase or dive right into previewing it on your blog from Appearance → Themes.

Happy blogging!

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  1. Jon Attaway

    Rather like Zoren. Giving it a bash right now in fact – thanks!


  2. timethief

    I just love trying out new themes and the Theme Team here is so productive. Bless them one and all for providing such an wide ranging selection of beautifully designed themes packed with useful features. Hmmm … Zoren may test my commitment to Twenty Eleven. I’m off to test it now.


  3. sushubh

    Any chance these themes would be on sale for users? I am very interested in Publisher. Thanks!


  4. CornellStarr

    I might be trying Zoren ~ it’s pleasing to the eye.


  5. steelnino

    I like the creativity but I hope we get more themes like Ascetica, only with a smaller, crisper font, and the possibilities of adding more colours.


  6. Jenn Besonia

    I love Publisher and Zoren; they’re both neat themes.


  7. Nish

    If I didn’t love Panel so much, I would jump ship to Zoren immediately


  8. Jotpreet Singh

    Awesome themes, Mate


  9. Heather

    Zoren looks pretty sexy. I’m intrigued.


  10. Yeoman

    Switched to Zoren. Looks good.


  11. WordShaker13

    I would love a simple theme with a handwritten title, so it has some style but also looks clean!


  12. Jinson Abraham (@jinsona)

    Thanks to WP team to include my Zoren theme to the themes library. They have done an awesome job on updating it. Its amazing to see that many WP users already love Zoren. Cheers


  13. bena2733

    In the zoren how do I delete the “posted by” icon at the top?


  14. sunsets4life

    Would appreciate themes that do not require the stupid infinite scroll and how about adding option for page numbers instead?


    • Thomas Guillot

      By default the Infinite Scroll is not activated. If it is, you can still remove it (Settings > Reading)


      • sunsets4life

        That’s rather useless actually since the only thing you get is a manual break with a “load more” link to add more posts on a single page. Before you know it you have 600 posts all loaded up on one page slowing your browser down. It’s pointless considering how hard it makes finding points within a blog. Scroll down 800 posts to something you find interesting, come back tomorrow and can’t find what page it’s on.


  15. dilmilgaya

    Both the themes are fab but I like my ‘lovebirds’ theme very much. Thanks to the designers.


  16. Jeo HunHanWook Min Min

    wow, the new theme are awesome….



    for publish can i have a slider


  18. powelly

    I love it, using it for my Blog however, I cant figure out how to: Instead of having a whole post just a short summery, I use catagories to section out my post’s like a website, sounds weird but go check it out. I can’t figure out how to have one picture a short summary instead of the whole post and all the post’s on one page if that makes sense??


  19. Keir Watson

    I’ve just switched my garden blog to Zoren – it’s the best it’s looked since I started blogging – it shows off photo posts and galleries really well, has easy-read text, smart fonts and adapts well when viewed on tablets too – brilliant for a free theme! A word of warning though – a couple of people with older OS and browsers have said that it does not display correctly for them, leaving it illegible, whereas my previous themes all displayed OK.


  20. Christopher Loti

    Thanks for the new themes. The Designing Team deserve a pat on their back


  21. Etana

    I’ve just tried Zoren on my blog and love how it displayed my captions in my first gallery. It looks much better than with my old theme. Although, I love dark backgrounds, I’ve switched my blog to Zoren.


  22. Etana

    It’s very interesting but captions in the gallery look much better on the iPad than on the computer, so back to my old theme 😦


  23. newearthjazzbaby

    Zoren is beautiful!


  24. RentechDesigns (@rentechdesign)

    Zoren is good. I want to try for my auto car website…


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