Embedding Images from Instagram

We know many of you document and share your experiences with Instagram, so we’re excited to announce that you can now embed images from Instagram on your blog.

As with other embeds, it’s quite easy. First, copy the image’s URL from your web browser’s address bar while viewing the image:

Then, while you are editing a post or page, simply paste the URL on its own line:


So for example, this text and URL:

will display this on your blog:

The URL automatically embeds the largest size of the image that fits into the content area. Alternatively, you can control the size of an image using shortcode. For example:

[instagram url=http://instagram.com/p/QI9cbtAdvW/ width=275]

embeds this image instead:

An image is automatically linked to the URL of its original Instagram page, so when readers click the image on your blog, they are taken to its full-size version.

It’s another quick and easy way to enhance your blog. Happy Instagramming!

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  1. Liam Wise

    I was waiting for this 🙂 It will help so much!!


  2. Jim



  3. Christopher Hamze (@chrishamze)

    Very cool!


  4. danajoward

    I may have to try this out 🙂 Thanks!


  5. Jeremy

    That’s awesome!


  6. Cle

    Oooooooh great! Thank you!


  7. New Heights Dance Ministry

    Sweet. This is going to be huge.


  8. adrianduane

    This is a great feature. Now that you can get a link quickly from instagram, it means more mobile posting from now on.


  9. Waqas Ali

    I didn’t know it could be possible. I just realized how much we needed it. Thank you.


  10. kokoyadi

    Cool i love this


  11. Al K Hall

    Best thing since rum.


  12. Lauren

    Very cool, I always post a lot from instagram using the amzndaws or whatever img link, but now I can just use the URL instead!


  13. Travis May

    Awesome, thank you!


  14. Ryan

    Not bad!


  15. kelesit

    Thank you for sharing this. But how can I get the link of picture?


    • Cheri Lucas

      When scrolling through your images in Instagram, you can find the URL of an image by clicking on the icon of three dots on the bottom right. You’ll see options like “Email Photo” and “Copy Share URL”. When you email yourself a photo, you should be able to click on the image, which will take you to the image on the web. If you click on “Copy Share URL”, this will copy the URL to your clipboard, and you can then paste this link elsewhere.

      Also, when you share Instagram images on sites like Twitter, you can grab the URL from the tweet, for example.


    • Cheri Lucas

      Update: Instagram announced profiles on the web. Makes it much easier to grab that link!


  16. WordsFallFromMyEyes

    Yessir, I like this one – particularly the ease of use. I LOVE images out there of the world, & when people snap a piece of their life. It really populates the blogosphere with joyous view.


  17. charlottecarrendar

    Definitely makes things easier.


  18. cubbiescorner

    Thanks girl, I love this.


  19. HipsterApproved.net

    Awesome! Thanks! I’ll have to get an Instagram account to utilize this.


  20. edaozmen

    Cool! What a great feature!!


  21. Ebrael Shaddai

    You could have offered the same for Pinteresters, couldn’t you? It would be two lovely gifts at once!


  22. edaozmen

    This is awesome, what a great feature to add a unique touch to blogs!


  23. Adam Prall

    What is the shortcode? I think the editor of this article forgot to comment out the code…


    • Cheri Lucas

      If you want to use shortcode to specify width (ie, width=500), use the following code below, making sure to replace LINK with the URL of the image you want to use:

      If you don’t want to specify size, just place the URL on its own line in the post/page editor, as shown above and in the support document. Thanks!


  24. mrsdameron

    I just tried this, and I couldn’t see it in the preview. Does it work on the free blogs?


    • Cheri Lucas

      Yes. If you follow the process above using the URL-on-its-own line embed method or URL-wrapped-in-shortcode method in the post/page editor, you should see in in preview mode. If you have further questions or troubleshooting, please contact Support or use the Forums. Thanks!


  25. Kevin

    Now just to get a quick-sharing option to wp.com inside the Instagram app!


  26. Nicole Beltane

    I have been doing this for a while now by emailing within instagram, the picture isnt as large though. would love to see a theme for instagram photos.


  27. mrsdameron

    I figured out that you have to break the link! Thanks!


  28. smcnally

    Nicely-done — and in time for stormy pictures


  29. ysobele

    love this!


  30. sunflowersblueskies

    Gorgeous! Thanks so much!


  31. Deborah DeMille

    This is great! Thank you. Does any one know how to embed mp3 files into a wordpress blogsite?


  32. Regeneratealife

    Many thanks Cheri, we will definitely start using Instagram for our posts…


  33. Hot and Mobile (@hotandmobile)

    Excellent. Very thorough!


  34. admin

    Awesome! Thank you.


  35. Emmanuella

    That’ll be great! :3 Now I can see awesome photos coming up on everyone’s site! 😀 Thanks.


  36. TheKBCo

    when does there become an option that I can select straight from instagram?


  37. bigislandsmallisland

    Thank you! this came just at the right time!!!!


  38. Rie Susbandayani

    Great! Thanks for the info! 😉


  39. thought-dog-consulting, LLC

    Hi Cheri, does this work when your post to the wordpress.com blog originates via Hootsuite?


  40. Barbara Bamber | justasmidgen

    That’s awesome! I hope someday it becomes a widget!


  41. Ankul Barar

    This is awesome! Can it be done Self-Hosted sites too?


  42. Hoàng Minh

    great, how can we embed an album?


  43. Super Swede

    It would be even easier if we got a quick-sharing option within the Instagram app just like for Twitter & Tumblr etc!


  44. maxim sense

    This is why I so love WordPress for the support and concern it gives to its users. This is so cool. Thank you.


  45. Mr Ulster

    And does this mean that autoposting to a WordPress.com blog from Instagram directly (i.e. when you post to Instagram from your mobile) will create the same results? Currently, the image autoposted on a WordPress.com blog is small and not well formatted; I end up manually re-posting every one of my Instragram image: pain!


  46. skepsis91

    Cool feature! Thanks for sharing 🙂


  47. Jess

    Awesome! One of the best updates to date 😀


  48. dedoroyjd

    nice post you have! since almost everyone are using instagram and now can be easily embed in WP posts. cool!


  49. yoppla

    very nice feature ! 😉


  50. neverbeenfull

    I love this new feature! does this still work if your instagram is private?


  51. neverbeenfull

    I figured it out. The answer is no! Thanks again!


  52. kirstenhwhyte

    Reblogged this on kirstenhwhyte and commented:
    I am quite excited about this! I love taking pictures with instagram, it makes slightly plain photos look impressive. It may even prompt me to put more photos on my blog. I can’t wait to try it out. Looking for an appropriate photo subject as we speak . . .


  53. Imanol Osa (@osaimanol)

    Do I need to update WordPress to 3.4.2? It doesn’t work fo me.. and I don’t know what I’m doing wrong.


    • Cheri Lucas

      These steps are for blogs on WordPress.com. The Instagram embed feature will be available to WordPress.org users in the near future via Jetpack.


  54. Geoff

    This is great! What I’d really like to have is a sidebar widget though.


  55. denisemeetsfinland

    Awesome feature and soooo easy to use! ^^


  56. Balsillie & Associates

    This is a really neat idea; I would like to re-blog this on my word press blog this Thursday. As a web developer / webmaster, I think people are going to love this!


  57. Martin Parry

    Hi Cheri. I knew it. I am completely stupid. But I have no idea how I view my instagram photos online. I have tried Webstagram but only get a webstagram html which doesn’t work at all when I copy it ino my blog. Can you advise please?

    Thanks Martin


    • Cheri Lucas

      When scrolling through your images in Instagram, you can find the URL of an image by clicking on the icon of three dots on the bottom right. You’ll see options like “Email Photo” and “Copy Share URL”. When you email yourself a photo, you should be able to click on the image, which will take you to the image on the web. If you click on “Copy Share URL”, this will copy the URL to your clipboard, and you can then paste this link elsewhere.

      Also, when you share Instagram images on sites like Twitter, you can grab the URL from the tweet, for example.


    • Cheri Lucas

      Hi Martin — an update: Instagram just announced profiles on the web. Makes it much easier to grab that link!


  58. Kati

    Sidebar widget would be a great Christmas present please!


  59. elockwood

    hey! this is awesome. any chance you’re working on an instagram widget like you have for twitter?


  60. guenbt

    Reblogged this on GuenBt. and commented:
    Would be BEST if it were a widget but still…..
    Yay!!! thank you WORDPRESS! At last!


  61. workingtechmom

    Great tips and your photo from the hotel room is amazing! Thanks for sharing.


  62. bigislandsmallisland

    Hi Cheri,

    I don’t see any of my images from Instagram via a computer. So no URL in web browser. I also checked the Tips and Tricks section on Instagram and it says they are currently developing the ability for users to view on Instagram and recommend third-party applications, but “Martin Parry”, above, said Webstagram doesn’t work for him. Are you viewing your images in Instagram? Am I doing something wrong? Your advice is appreciated!

    Jane (from bigislandsmallisland)


    • Cheri Lucas

      When scrolling through your images in your Instagram app, you can find the URL of an image by clicking on the icon of three dots on the bottom right. You’ll see options like “Email Photo” and “Copy Share URL”. When you email yourself a photo, you should be able to click on the image, which will take you to the image on the web (ie, with the URL in the browser). If you click on “Copy Share URL”, this will copy the URL to your clipboard, and you can then paste this link elsewhere.


  63. Cle

    NEXT STEP: enable Istagram/Webstagram widget tool! It does not work yet sigh! sob! sigh! 😦


  64. Sonja Thorsvik

    Excellent, just tired it out here: http://bluecrabyoyo.com/2012/10/31/ducks-do-get-wet/

    Questions: is there a way to center the image? And can you make it a ‘featured image’. I noticed that after I publish it, I can’t pin to Pinterest b/c since it isn’t featured there isn’t an image to share.

    Regardless great addition!

    Liked by 2 people

  65. Jackie Spellen (@pictureme2)

    Awesome! Now, I have to get my iPhone 5 and the Instagram app!!! I can’t wait! Thanks for this Cheri!


  66. MoisesMansurCysneiro (@MoisesMansurCys)

    Very cool, great and nice wordpress tools…


  67. louevilbelle

    This is lovely.

    Could someone please tell me how to make the image appear centered? (I’m slowly learning more code, but the emphasis is on SLOWLY)


  68. The Idea Marketplace

    This is perfect for photography lovers like me 🙂


  69. theintoxicator

    Reblogged this on theintoxicator.


  70. sthomasengl1102

    Reblogged this on sthomasengl1102 and commented:
    Images from Instagram can now be embedded on Word Press. This is pretty cool and simple to do. I personally don’t have an Instagram, but if I did I would most definitely use this feature.


  71. wordcoaster

    I guess this move was inevitable, yet I hope that real photographers will continue to post their amazing non-instagram photos as well.


  72. Michele Mizejewski

    For anone who is still confused, Instagram does not yet offer its own web presence for viewing your photos:

    For now, in order to get the URL you need:
    1. browse your Instagram photos on your mobile device
    2. click on the icon of three dots on the bottom right to get options like “Email Photo” and “Copy Share URL”.
    3. if you choose to email it, you can click on the image in the email message and be taken to the image on the web. Copy the URL.
    4. if you click on “Copy Share URL”, this will copy the URL to your clipboard, and you can then paste this link elsewhere on the same device.


  73. hakimology

    Reblogged this on HAKIMoLoGY.


  74. akhlisblog

    Reblogged this on Akhlis' Blog and commented:
    Another alternative WordPress bloggers can take. I myself always view webstagram and copy and paste the pictures on my post. That easy.


  75. beyondpaths

    This is a great way to share even more ideas. A picture is worth a 1000 words.


  76. theworldaccordingtomax

    Instagram must have heard your pleas! I decided to play around with it and not only did Instagram give me a quick link for WordPress, but it even had all of my blogs listed there to choose from! Very cool.


  77. campaignsupport

    Reblogged this on Campaign Support and commented:
    Thought this might come in handy in the future 🙂


  78. David Fischlowitz

    Reblogged this on seetheforestthroughthetreesdotcom and commented:
    Here is another quick and easy way to integrate thoughts and images. Cheers to WordPress and Instagram for this innovation!


  79. wibizulfatria

    Reblogged this on wibizulfatria.


  80. Nidal

    Thank you for this helpful post. Regards to all Instagramers here 😉


  81. 8infinito8style

    Reblogged this on 8infinito8style's Blog.


  82. Eastern Emerald

    This is so helpful. Thank you 🙂


  83. shobhnaa

    Great…. really helpful !!


  84. atownshorti11

    Reblogged this on atownshorti11's Blog and commented:
    Very good easy way to add images


  85. bubumao

    I like it and I tried it here: http://yuzulife.wordpress.com/2012/11/12/2012-fall-colours/
    It’s definitely a lot easier to share instagram photos now. However, like the Sonja mentioned, there are two draw backs 1. not able to center the image 2.can’t make it as a featured image unless the actual picture is uploaded to WP


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