Splinder Importer Now Available

Italian blogging service Splinder.com is closing down at the end of this month, and we’d like to extend a hearty “Benvenuto” to any Splinder users who’re looking for a new blogging home. To help make migration easier, we’ve added a Splinder importer to WordPress.com. If you’d like to make the move, please go ahead and get started now so that there’s time before the January 31st deadline to work out any issues.

Exporting your Splinder Blog

To import a Splinder blog, you’ll first need to save your export file to your computer by following these steps:

First, log in to Splinder and click the “Blog” link available at the top of the home page.

Next, click the “configura” link available at the top of the blog page.

Now click “Esporta blog e attiva redirect” in the right-hand sidebar.

Next, download the content of your blog by clicking the link “Clicca qui per scaricare il file con i contenuti del tuo blog.”

Now you’re ready to import the downloaded file into your WordPress.com blog.

Importing to WordPress.com

Create a WordPress.com account and blog if you haven’t already, and then visit Tools -> Import in the admin sidebar. You should find the Splinder importer among the list of importers.

Click the link to get started. Next, you’ll upload the export file you’ve downloaded to your computer from Splinder.

Once the importer has validated your import file, you’ll be prompted to map users from the old blog to the new.

If you’d like to have your post images downloaded as well, be sure to tick the “Download and import file attachments” checkbox.

Once you’ve submitted the import request, it can take a few minutes to perform the import, and you’ll receive an email letting you know that the import finished.

After you have imported your content into WordPress.com, you can return to your Splinder settings to create a redirect that will forward your old Splinder blog to your new WordPress.com blog. Provide your new WordPress.com blog URL in the field and click the “Attiva redirect” button.

If you have any trouble importing your blog, of course you’re welcome to contact support, and one of our Happiness Engineers will be glad to help out. To learn your way around WordPress.com, we encourage you to check out our handy tutorial. We also provide comprehensive feature documentation at our support site. Welcome to WordPress.com!

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  1. nuvofelt

    And you forgot to say that blogging with WordPress is such fun because there is a really great community spirit amongst all the bloggers etc

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Kilmore Fisz

    This post should be wrote in Italian is not it?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. doctorwhofan98

    I’m glad so many people are coming to WordPress.com – I wouldn’t have discovered if Microsoft hadn’t partnered with you guys to transition Windows Live Spaces over here!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. portaleazzurro

    Immagino la gioia di chi ha un Blog Splinder !
    Benvenuti !


  5. unuomodipocheparole

    Hi, thanks a lot to let me move here so easier! Cheers, s.


  6. Perennemente Sloggata

    it could have been better if WP would have told us before…
    i’m disappointed 😦


    • Daryl L. L. Houston

      Splinder has had the announcement up for a little while. We learned of it fairly recently and worked diligently to prepare an importer. We announced as soon as we felt like the importer was stable enough to release. Three weeks remain to export your content from Splinder and host it somewhere (whether on WordPress.com or not), but I’d encourage you to start now, so that a delay doesn’t cause any problems.


      • Perennemente Sloggata

        Thank you, I made already anything in november: Splinder doesn’t work very good since november. I invite many friends to WordPress 🙂
        I had blog and posts 2004-2009 when I decided to come to Wp. I’m very happy of Wp, I hoped you could do it before. But I continue to sponsorize Wp
        Thank you for your answer!


  7. Eric

    WordPress is always stepping up to bringing more people to the WordPress community. Hope the Splinders become WordPressers soon!


  8. RTP Studio

    Wonderful. WP like a great ark! Grazie


  9. icittadiniprimaditutto

    Reblogged this on i cittadini prima di tutto.


  10. barone

    What’s happened for the blogs on Splinder to transfer to WordPress that are over 15MB? My blog’s file XML is 16,3MB and the WordPress’s Support can’t transfer it. Ty for the replay.


  11. Widdershins

    Welcome all ‘Splinders’!


  12. Pitocco

    This is a good work!


  13. Fiona.q

    another dead blog so wordpress takes over. it’s very interesting to see how wordpress expands… lol


  14. mustandkasike

    ¿Porqué se cierra?.por curiosidad.Bienvenidos a todos los Splinders


    • Daryl L. L. Houston

      I don’t know why Splinder is closing. There may be more info in the announcement at Splinder.com, but I don’t read Italian sufficiently well to find a reason for the closure. 🙂


      • Perennemente Sloggata

        Splinder didn’t tell why it will be closed, at the beginning. We only understood that the management isn’t interested in anylonger, they think that their blogger are nomore an opportunity. But Splinder was one of the most important blogger-platform in Italy and they didn’t improve the site in the last years, it was too slow and badworking (that’s why I came to WP).
        Sorry for my english.


  15. casascdb

    Hallo everybody I am just coming into the WordPress communitiy


  16. lucazaccaro

    Hi all, well done! Will this “plugin” (or Importer) be publicly released so we can all use it or will be available only on WordPress.com blogs?


    • Daryl L. L. Houston

      The plugin has some bits that are specific to handling scale on WordPress.com, but there are some importers for Splinder listed here, and before we had our own importer, we were using this one internally to import into a self-installed instance, then export a WXR from the self-install, then import that into WordPress.com. You could do the same but skip the last step.


  17. Kate Mag

    Good work, WordPress. It will extends your user-base. It also makes WordPress more popular


  18. Brandon

    Go wordpress!


  19. Carlos Alberto Junior Spohr Poletto

    Import functions from other CMSs are be welcome 🙂

    Nice work!


  20. dididonna

    Thanks so much for the welcome! Happy to be on wordpress ark now!! ex splinder. 🙂


  21. bananagiraffes

    I’ve never heard of Splinder but I’ve had a splinter once and that was pretty painful – good on WordPress for making it less ouchy for everyone.


  22. eriamadventpic


    happy new year!


  23. Stefano Garuti (@wordpressmania)

    Please release it as a plugin importer too so we can use it on self installed WP too!

    Thank you!!

    Stefano, wpmania.it


  24. Howard Liptzin (@howardliptzin)

    By the way, this also works for Splinder’s English language brother, Motime (formerly motime.com, but after the sale of the Motime.com domain it became us.splinder.com).

    Thanks WordPress.


  25. UponAtlas

    Yay! Good job giving those soon-to-be lost blogs a place to go WP! So proud to be a WordPresser!


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