New Theme: Oulipo

Are you tired of clutter? Are you looking for a theme that puts the focus on your content and gets out of the way? Meet Oulipo, our newest theme. Oulipo’s clean, grid-based design and elegant typography make it perfect for a one-page announcement site, a photoblog, a journal… or anything else you choose to showcase.

Example showing Oulipo's light color scheme and beautifully simple layout.

You’ll notice the unique placement of the left-side menu: it’s pinned in place. This keeps the site title, description, and main navigation in view at all times. A screenshot isn’t good enough—see it in action on the Oulipo demo site.

Make Oulipo your own with your choice of light or dark color schemes, background color, header image, and custom menu. Tip: If you choose a dark-colored background, switch first to the dark color scheme in AppearanceTheme Options to take advantage of contrasting text and border colors.

Example of Oulipo's gorgeous dark color scheme.

The simple beauty of this theme is a sight for sore eyes. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do.

Designed by Andrea Mignolo, Oulipo is now available for and, for self-hosted sites, from the Themes Directory.

Quick Specs (all measurements in pixels):

  1. Main column width is 480, sidebar is 176.
  2. Custom header image dimensions are 712 by 80 (width, height).

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  1. cropes

    Very clean and nice. Definitely like it very much!


  2. Tracy Z

    Looks great!


  3. Deli Lanoux, Ed.D.

    Ahh… Simplistically stunning. Great work! Most appealing!


  4. Mike

    Looks nice and clean. This could be what I’m after for a new site.


  5. Mahfooz

    Looks nice, going to try it and see it looks.


  6. technogran1

    Sorry, far too narrow for the writing area. Still waiting for another theme with customizable width for the writing area.


    • Lance Willett

      Hi technogran1—no need to be sorry, we know not all themes will please everyone. That’s why we’re continuing to launch themes regularly, in the hopes you’ll find one that meets your needs perfectly.


  7. Max Soutter

    You know if i wasn’t already so happily married, I’d marry WP!


  8. Andrew

    Interesting design.


  9. kenounirenashin

    This looks a lot like some of the other themes… More brighty coloured, less professional looking, fun themes please!


  10. Ed

    Will there ever be any more flexible-width, two-column, moderately customizable themes?

    Fixed-width themes seem to be great for single-image, short-text posts, but my rather tech-oriented posts often have multiple pictures and wide sourcecode blocks. It’d be nice to fill the screen with the post, rather than lose half the pixels to those stylish blank columns.

    Rubric is getting a bit long in the tooth… but there aren’t many alternatives!


  11. sylviahubbard1

    I love the cleanness of this theme. Simplistic and would make a great live story theme where I could post the chapters on one side and list my author side on the other side. Thanks!


  12. helar

    Love this theme! Found it yesterday and since then I am reflecting on which of my blogs is going to change to Oulipo… Love the left-side floating menu very much… looks cool and professional.


  13. xavier

    Love the name! There should always be one paragraph dedicated to the meaning of the theme’s name 🙂


  14. whatnomints

    O dear … Now I want to change my design again … Stop coming up with great themes WordPress!


  15. Shinrin

    Cool theme, think I’ll try it out.


  16. phio_chan

    Hmm, it looks pretty good, but in my opinion your previous themes are more stunning than this one. Like there’s nothing very special to its appearance. Great job, nevertheless. Keep up the good work and good luck on the next one!


  17. Susann

    Looks a lot like many other WP-themes. Want more fun, colorful designs! But great work anyways! =)


  18. Ilakya Spandhanaa

    Love this theme… I swear I can’t make my mind. All the themes are just so amazing!


  19. Tarah

    This theme looks perfect for a photography blog! It has the main focus on the pictures.


  20. Ljubomir Gatdula

    Really looks great, but I’m happy with my current theme 🙂


  21. pnts

    Lance, thank you for the lovely write-up—it’s so exciting to see Oulipo on!


  22. Sandra Lee

    Very beautiful in its simplicity. I’m married to Inuit Types now, although the union required CSS. 🙂


  23. craftystaci

    I love the pinned left-side menu. I wish more themes had that!


  24. deathgleaner

    Hmmmm…. too simple?


  25. Mary

    I’ll try it out.


  26. Eric

    So many new themes! You guys spoil us. 🙂


  27. Ady Mat

    It is some out of box offering from WP this time around. Is there any double menu theme like one for Categories and another for pages only.


  28. Anne Lessing

    Clean and simple. I really like it. Thanks for another great theme! *goes to test Oulipo out*


  29. cbramhall

    With a name like Oulipo, I was expecting the letter “e” to be missing. Still, it’s an attractive theme that’s going to be well worth investigating.


  30. krystay

    I love minimal designs.


  31. Jerry Jacques

    Love it!


  32. ireal

    Not this one, sorry, keep it up.


  33. Dan North

    “Are you looking for a theme that puts the focus on your content and gets out of the way?”

    Yes, I should be, but I don’t have the self-discipline. Consequently, my blog looks like my house and is full to the brim with all the stuff I’m frightened of losing. One day I’ll go minimal. More power to those who can…


  34. Sterling Bryant

    Very nice! I like it.


  35. Raluca

    Wonderful. I’m totally using this.


  36. michiko

    I too am hoping for some themes with more width to them. Please… all the pretty ones are so narrow I can’t use them.


  37. Pingback: New Theme: Oulipo — Blog — |
  38. mydesignchic

    We loved it so much that we changed our theme! Thanks.


  39. raditherapy

    Another new theme… more…we want more hahahaha 😀 Keep up the good job!


  40. Adrienne

    Great for a showcase, as you stated, Lance. I like the typeset.


  41. Rookie Photographer

    Loved the design, let me try this on my photoblog.


  42. jozar

    Let’s give it a try with a dark color scheme, looks interesting, thanks for this one!


  43. Cartoonist

    This is just what I had been looking for for my cartoon blog. Thanks so much!


  44. 40again

    Like this one and I’m trying it out. Looks really clean and uncluttered and hopefully easy to manage…..
    Thank you ♥


  45. gbvaz

    Looks good!


  46. shamballa9944

    “Simply” lovely.


  47. Aiman Amani

    Simple yet beautiful. I really like the navigation menu on the side of the blog.


  48. J-Slyde

    Awesome. I love the minimal design of it – leaves the content to do the talking. 🙂


  49. Rogue|Hero

    Hey Lance!

    This looks like a very good theme for the photo-video blog that I intend to start. I’d consider it for my already existing blog, but I was counting that on a wider main column for text. But anyhow, thanks for the new addition, Theme Team!

    Isn’t this’s 100th theme already?



  50. Susan Burg Zanchi

    Oulipo…wonder what it means? Nice work!!


  51. Olivia Tejeda

    Beautiful theme and I especially love the left menu that stays in place. I always knew something was missing on my blog and that’s what it was! I don’t know if I can incorporate this theme into my blog, but I’m definitely going to try it. I just changed to the Coraline theme. Any chance that pinned down menu can become an option on that one? In any case, thanks for keeping WordPress so up to date. I recommend it to everyone without reservation.


  52. Ed

    > check out Andrea.

    I did. Unfortunately, Andrea’s reversed colors (dark background, white text) is absolutely the wrong choice for a tech blog: hard to read, clashes with colorized source code blocks, and wrecks the contrast for most of my pictures. It also has a rather low upper limit for the “flexible” width setting: lots of wasted space on a 1600×1200 monitor, which isn’t all that large these days. has over 100 themes, yet maybe a dozen are flexible width. Seems like everybody prefers to jam their posts into a tiny peephole down the middle of big screens, surrounded by blank space. Vertical scrolling FTW, eh?

    How about another dozen really flexible themes, with the options and tweakage found in all those fixed themes?

    It’s be nice…



  53. Gorakh Nath

    Thank you for the new theme. The menu doesn’t disappear out of site – a definite plus. But I’d concur with some other wp-users here – a theme with a customizable width for the content area would be great. I am thoroughly enjoying using WordPress – it’s probably the most user-friendly blogging application in the world. 🙂


  54. mrasherkade

    I agree with kenounirenashin.

    The font colors are nice though. I am enjoying the last one, Coraline.


  55. VatuBarok

    Ah, if I wasn’t already so madly in love with Andrea, I might’ve taken this one for a spin! ^^
    Great theme as usual, guys! You really work wonders!


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  57. incognitoteenager

    Absolutely gorgeous. Does it have a one-column option?


  58. movienthusiast

    Simple, elegant, and beautiful. Nice!


  59. Robbo

    You guys are too much, I mean how many themes that look great can you make? It is a nightmare for me as a fairly new crime blogger to find the right theme. Just when I think I have settled on one I go back and peek at the themes again and you have another great looking theme for us…

    Thanks for the dilemma guys


  60. rosedale Gardens

    I like clutter, it matches my office at work and home.


  61. Neo

    A simple theme with all new features but something is still missing! Particularly, I don’t like grid based themes. Looking forward for other impressive tribal type theme! Nice work though, fellas!


  62. nancysmoments

    It’s almost a little too clean and simple for me it’s very nice nonetheless and thank you for another great theme surprise. You guys rock, as always!


  63. sid

    Wow! The theme team seems to be working overnight. 🙂


  64. barrycyrus

    Alright, keep ’em coming guys!


  65. kenkoisanchez

    Bravo WordPress! More, more! =D


  66. Barry Houldsworth

    I really do like the clean look of this, and the static item on the left looks great.


  67. pinky200011

    No offense, and sorry if I hurt your feelings, I’d just like a theme with bigger sidebars because I got a lot of widgets to use… and I’d like to be able to customize size.


  68. M Shodiq Mustika

    Wonderful. This theme is perfect for publishing a book online.


  69. alfredotongco

    It is simply amazing. I can not wait to try it.


  70. aplaceforthoughts

    Love this clean look! Very nice!


  71. antimike88

    You’ve got so many good ones that it’s so hard to choose! 🙂


  72. Alice Verheij

    Well it’s kind of ‘OK’. But seriously guys ‘n girls, I am getting a bit tired by yet another minimalistic theme. Why don’t you guys have a blast and publish the most feature rich and strongly designed theme ever? As a nice, over the top showcase of WordPress functionality and versatility. Come on, go baroque or burlesque!


    • Lance Willett

      publish the most feature rich and strongly designed theme ever… as a nice, over the top showcase of WordPress functionality and versatility

      Been there, done that! The new default WordPress theme Twenty Ten, and others inspired by it, like Coraline are super-strong and showcase almost every single feature available in a theme. We’ve already seen some superb adaptations and customizations on those two themes.

      Come on, go baroque or burlesque!

      We’re always looking for new ideas for themes, so if you know of any that match “baroque or burlesque” we’d love to learn of them in our themes forum. Drop us a link to the theme, and why you think it should be included on


  73. dothedevo

    Wow, thank you so much for this, I was getting annoyed with the more chaotic themes. I’ll have to try it at some point.


  74. @z

    Yeah, it’s a nice one, but I was looking forward to a theme with customizable colors you know… like Vigilance. I’ve tried but it gets too thin and plain looking so please design something with customizable colors and good features. 🙂 Hope you’ll see to it. 🙂


  75. dorintibulca

    Perfect for me.


  76. Hana

    Elegant and clean theme. Thanks for the great choices.


  77. sociosound

    Oooo I like it a lot. Might have to change over. Thanks for all the hard work over there. 🙂


  78. ricksis

    Nice theme… no fancy stuff, only simple white. And big header. And wide posting area. And nice font. And, it’s just great.


  79. Carl Divert

    I like it, I think I will use it in another blog I’m about to start. Thank you for keeping it simple.


  80. Miss Mali

    All these brilliant themes! It’s gonna make me lose my mind on making a choice. 🙂


  81. susiloadysaputro

    It will be one of my most favorites themes… good, it’s look like very simple.


  82. pibomimo

    Boom boom boom, it is very nice.


  83. yvesram

    I like it, especially the dark one.


  84. Neil Reddin

    Very nice – my long painful search for a successful refresh might be over!

    Just need to redo my header image now to fit this.


  85. annaisabelle18

    This theme is soooo beautiful! The part I like the most is the cherry tree. I love it! 😀


  86. apagung

    It is looking nice, but I need green theme, or beach look theme.


    • Lance Willett

      Beach theme: that’s a cool idea. 🙂

      For green themes, explore the themes from your Dashboard by going to Appearance > Themes and click Feature Filters at the far right near the search field. Click one or more filters (in this case, green color), then click Apply Filters to see themes that match.


  87. draabe

    This looks great. Could you embed short video / audio clips instead of a photo?


  88. mscunited0950

    Simply, I don’t like it that well.


  89. Heather

    This one would be absolutely *perfect* for me if you could hide the title, tagline, and menu.


  90. blackcabbit

    WP is really spoiling us for good. 😀 I am so tempted to change to this one cos i LOVE clean cluster-less look. I LOVE the pinned down left menu but what if i have a lot of pages? I have seven pages currently (planning to add more later) and when I tried the preview just now, part of my left menu was cropped off. Hmm, maybe it will just affect the preview but I’m so afraid to activate the theme.


  91. nice shirt

    Do like it’s simplicity, may switch.


  92. archaeme

    Awesome “classical” theme.


  93. mattvolke

    Great design. I ❤ wordpress!


  94. Alli

    LOVE the pinned side menu and I like how simple it is. Thanks 🙂


  95. Dennis Murrell

    Great theme. Great typography. Just what I’ve been looking for. It’s a keeper for me.


  96. Nitin Jain

    A good option actually!


  97. yvonnechung

    Love the simplicity and topography. I found it by happenstance and now the search for my ideal theme may be over! (i also checked out the designer’s other themes – amazing sense of aesthetics!)


  98. janeliran123

    Thanks for your hard work. I do like the cherry tree very much. If you have more such nice new themes, I hope you can share them with us. Thanks very much.


  99. Mrs. HaeFishie

    Good job! I love this one… wanna try later.


  100. jeyaphoto

    Freakin’ amaaaaaazing! LOVE IT!


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