43 Degrees, but it’s snowing

It’s 43 degrees outside, which is I think as cold as it gets in San Francisco. But there’s no reason we can’t turn down the thermometer here on WordPress.com.

That’s right, the snow is back!

Last year we were a little tardy with adding it so to make up we’re giving you almost a full month of snowy goodness.

How to make it rain snow?

  1. Go to your dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Appearance -> Extras.
  3. Check the box next to “Show falling snow on this blog.”
  4. Roast some chestnuts.

Oh the weather outside is frightful,
but this blog is sooo delightful
Until the internet gets slow,
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

Those of you who turned on snow on last year will get it automatically. If you want to turn it off just do the steps above but uncheck the box.

Merry Christmas and happy holidays!

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  1. Mr Mohawk

    The snow looks awesome! 😀


  2. Ambergris

    yay! I love it 🙂 Its nice to get a little snow SOMEwhere, especially when you live in a place that doesn’t get any. Hurrah!


  3. thiscoldblack

    43 degrees F right?

    That’d be what in C ? 😛

    Just curious, going to Santa Monica in february and it’s ”quite close”…

    anyhow, merry christmas & happy holidays from a random stranger.


  4. Pingback: Planlos « rufus still thinks about his title …
  5. applebomber79

    This is great-thanks!!! It’s the only snow I’ll get here in Florida 🙂


  6. braybon9

    I love the Snow effect! So does my Dad. He uses it on his site and so do I! 🙂


  7. mchawk

    I’ve no idea how appropriate snow is on my blog, but I really don’t care. This is too cool, by half. Thankyou!


  8. j

    This is awesome. Thanks for making this little things that make WP so fun to use!


  9. caligirl998

    Hi matt! So when it says Goshdarnit! Somethings wrong with the servers, its probably Matt’s fault, thats who there talking about! I really think the snowing thing is awesome! Thanks for putting it in!


  10. elrambo

    LOL! I love seeing snow over my African palm trees!


  11. Pingback: snow on the blog? « cody bear’s friends
  12. Pingback: ‘Tis the Season « Wandering Tree
  13. Pingback: Don’t Leave Your Diamond Broach With Me « Distracted by Something Shiny
  14. Zeon

    It’s always nice to have some snow @ my blog during winter! =)


  15. Farid Yuniar

    wow…..awesome…..i’ll try it.

    in bahasa indonesia:
    wah…mengagumkan….coba ah…..


  16. mandybob31

    lol this is funny
    it was snowing today were i live and its not that cold out lol


  17. HeadBurro Antfarm

    Ha! Wonderful! Thanks guys – it’s reminded me to go and switch the snow on over my island in Second Life 😀


  18. Josep Camós


    It’s great. I’ve set it already on my blog. Thanks!


  19. Kin Robles

    Brrrrr. Where’s my coat.


  20. luna

    Ho, Ho, Ho….the snow is back… 😀
    Thanks Matt


  21. Pingback: It’s snowing! « Pickle Pepper
  22. mylegg

    I’m in love with snow! I’m so happy I can have it flow on my blog!


  23. Lesley Dewar

    It’s going to look a bit funny here in Australia – but I will happily give it a go! I have actually seen a white Christmas in Australia – one year when we had a very late blizzard in the mountains. My son is in Canada – he will love it. Thanks, WP.


  24. вили

    Nice! 😛


  25. NhJm

    100% CPU usage.
    Horizontal scrollbar is appearing/disappearing repeatedly.
    Konqueror 4.1.

    Could you make this disableable on a per-user basis? Thanks.

    P.S. Why have snow on a blog with a white background? 🙂


  26. ircopcito

    Nice. It’s snowing. 😀



  27. offensichtlich

    Very beautiful. Thanks!


  28. midtwentiesennui

    Great for those of us who live in the bay area. For the record, I *have* seen it snow in San Francisco.


  29. tsfiles

    LOL@The Land of Fruits and Nuts complaining about 43F. Try dealing with that kind of weather for 7 months a year.


  30. robbie357

    Thank you! I thought it was “roast some chipmunks”


  31. foobarph

    same here.. let it snow blah blah lah lahh. 🙂


  32. trollboy

    this has got to be one of my favorite little extras


  33. leziverre11098

    I’m going to make it snow on my blog now!! This is going to be so cool! 😉


  34. Scott

    Thank you WordPress for the Cool Snow Effect!


  35. govz

    thanks 😀 cool … here in Kyoto, Japan, temperature is up to 3 Celsius at night. hmmm I guess any time soon, snow will start falling again … thanks again. More power to you guys wordpress, automattic. 😀


  36. ynotoman

    amazing – so nice to have snow and its the one thing I miss here in Oman


  37. Min

    Gosh! This is great@!


  38. theflyingpingu69

    Uhm….I like!!! xxx


  39. Pingback: It’s Snowing!! « Kathleen meets the Internet
  40. Dex

    Firstly not all bloggers are in the northern hemisphere.

    Secondly your Christmas pictures seem to get dorkier every year



  41. anonymous425

    That’s pretty crazy… I just signed up, and this was the first thing I saw, I dunno why but it just made me smile haha


  42. Elle-y

    This is just amazing. WP is my <3. 🙂


  43. jhOy imPeRiaL

    oohhh! the christmas is really in the air… nice idea! 🙂


  44. Pingback: Liens du matin 12/08/2008 « Le Journal de Ray Dacteur
  45. Pingback: Yep, that’s snow « David Kirkpatrick
  46. famoon

    Thank you~~~
    I love it so much.


  47. Pingback: Endlich schneits auch bei mir « Das Leben der Schnien
  48. Virtual Assistant

    Wow 43 degrees, I wish! It is 16 degrees here in Salem MA! Thanks for the snow I will make a snow angel just for you!


  49. Joryn

    Fantastic! The wordpress is without doubt the best blog! Easy to use, well organized and very professional and now snow … here in Portugal has not snow much.
    Good Christmas wordpress
    Thanks for your great work.


  50. anima9




  51. lollitta

    lovely idea! thank you! you are the best!


  52. blondinenwitz

    Wow.. That’s so cool.. I love snow.. Yaaah! White Christmas!


  53. pining

    thanks, Christmas came early 🙂


  54. Pingback: Algunos apuntes de un feriado debianita « Keep Walking
  55. randomauthor

    Thats awesome. Thanks WP. The snow looks great with my mistylook theme. Can’t wait for the next plugin!


  56. andandohaciabelen

    Very cool!! Thank you very much and have a Merry Chistmas!


  57. dagobart

    Amazing feature — but did you ever have a look at how much CPU power that burns?


  58. Pingback: Das Blog flockt « daRONNs ||| ostBLOG
  59. Red

    Bbrrrrrr !


  60. Nick

    Time for some hot chocolate!


  61. Pingback: Let It Snow On Your Wordpress Blog « Grace Rules Weblog
  62. Candice

    YAY! I am SO excited about the snow! You should let it stay all winter!!! How fun!


  63. Pingback: Snow Falling on Bloggers « How Green Is My Valley
  64. Anna Lyttiger

    Sweet. Had it on last december, too. 😀


  65. weboffriends

    oh i love it thanks so much


  66. Esri Rose

    I love this SO MUCH. I tell everyone they need to use WordPress.


  67. Andrew

    Is there a way for wp.com bloggers to turn off the snow when looking at other wp.com blogs? It gets old (or should that be cold?) after a while.
    Andrew Scrooge.
    ps Here in Boston, we’ve had a fraction of an inch of the real stuff.


  68. fireandhammers

    I thought it had snowed this morning, but it was just a severe frost. This’ll do nicely!


  69. frsoares

    It’s a really nice effect, but as far as I’m concerned, it’s consuming some real annoying processing. Well, maybe I’m just too of a geek, but I believe it has a bad effect on performance. Just looking through the processes running on my OS, found Firefox consuming most of the power. And, for blogs with a white background (like here, at the WordPress Blog), it’s just a big waste of resources.

    I felt the same problem viewing my own blog(using the snowy extra) on the Mozilla Firefox 3.0 browser, over Ubuntu 8.04 and Mac OS X. That really disturbs me.

    I would be really interested in having some kind of button on the blogs using the extra which would enable a viewer to turn-off the effect, alike to those common buttons on Flash apps to turn-off sound, but it would be “turn-off snow”.


  70. Widdershins

    Maybe you could make this available in June for Aussies. 😀


  71. Pingback: A holiday confession « Club Penguin Abominable Times
  72. lokidudeguy

    The Snow is awesome! Thank you to whichever bored programmer made that!


  73. snowball5004

    Cool snow I just added it to my blog yesterday. It makes my blog look more Winter like.


  74. علوش

    Very sweet, Adha Mubarak [Happy Eid] and Merry Christmas to every one, it’s raining outside, but at least I have a snow on my Blog.


  75. Pingback: Snowball Democracy « Big Red Rhino
  76. Pingback: Snow! « table life.
  77. shanghaibreeze

    how lovely the clip is!
    merry X’ms!


  78. tdbenton

    Kool im gonna use it.


  79. anapensativa

    Beautiful! A small, but lovely little gesture on the part of WordPress. Thank you guys!


  80. Pingback: My Blog is … Snowing? « the putative programmer
  81. cenya95

    wow….. amazing


  82. Pingback: Let It Snow! « The Plain Blog
  83. chocolatecircle

    Can u please extend the date of the end of the snowing season??? PLEASE!!!?!?!?


  84. trueface

    here.. -3degrees and snowing aswell 😀 😀 😀


  85. sedgehammer

    Love it! You guys are awesome!


  86. kittykat24

    Snow, it’s wonderful!!!
    thx a lot 🙂


  87. frsoares

    I know how to turn off MY snow. I wanna turn off other blog’s snow, to enhance my web-browsing performance.


  88. zackyv

    haha sick thanks man


  89. Pingback: 기간한정으로 내리는 눈 « Considered Mostly Harmful
  90. The Lanvaldear

    I saw it was available till 4th of January 2009? I’m loving it 😀 !!


  91. jeannineduvenage

    Fantastic! Snow on my desert blog.


  92. moviesmusic

    Cool! Snow and no shoveling! Happy Holidays! 🙂


  93. kristinbell

    Do you think when the snow season is over we can have a rain option on our blogs? I really love the snow so much on the blogs and I love real rain. I wish we could have snow all year round, but then I guess it wouldn’t be as special during the winter months!


  94. lstemple

    ahh thank you wordpress. it finally feels like xmas…with the snow!


  95. ~*~Patty

    The snow is wonderful, everyone Loves it. I was pleasantly surprised to get it again this year. Thanx Still trying to get used to the new Dashboard, that is not as much fun as the snow 😦


  96. Rhonda

    so cute!! thanks!


  97. Pingback: Snowing in Wordpress Blogland « Little Miss Sew N Sew
  98. azoptimist

    Incredible! Thank you!


  99. Pingback: Day 7/29 Days of Giving is… « Art By Chrysti
  100. glac13r

    yeaaaa~~ snooow XD hahahahaha


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