We Got Big Button

We just launched our redesigned homepage. The first thing you will notice, at least if you’re not logged in, is the register button is REALLY BIG now. If you were ever drunk and tried to hit that button but missed, you now have to be at least 30% drunker than before to miss it.

Big Button

But the news even bigger than the button is the new thing we’re currently calling “news departments” which shows the top post in one of several categories.

Top News

We’re going to talk a lot more about news and top posts in the next couple of days, but the one thing we’ll let slip now is that if you don’t have an avatar you won’t be able to make the top lists anymore.

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  1. thefrontsteps

    how ’bout a real estate section?


  2. demonislandtour

    Hey, you guys are just amazing.
    Matt, If i was a girl I would want your kid!
    HUgs from Portugal


  3. theemptyvessel

    how do you choose which blog falls in which department? my blog talks about all them!!


  4. Zion

    They look good!


  5. உதய தாரகை


    Cool new home page.

    Really you guys rock.

    Thanks a lot.

    -உதய தாரகை


  6. trulymarsha

    ha ha ha ha ha…..you should make the LOG IN button bigger too in that case….just in case I miss it


  7. sytycd

    Thanks for posting about this. I had wondered what happened to the hot blogs list. I also hop you’ll put the link to the hot blogs and hot posts back on the main page. Knowing where I’m at on the list is great motivation to create more quality content. I look forward to learning more about how this all works.


  8. P. A. Monteiro

    @*!#. Now, I have no excuse to miss the Register button. Damn you WP guys, you’re incarnates of Dr. Evil, aren’t you?


  9. dinsan

    yes, this is great.. those upcoming bloggers will get a push for sure ..


  10. abu ameerah

    Me likey the change. Not bad! : )


  11. Christoph Wagner

    Hawt Post, We Got Big Button…
    i has feeling wp.com will soon have a lolcatz translation^^


  12. eXstatic

    if you don’t have an avatar you won’t be able to make the top lists anymore.

    Hey, it isn’t fair! Better leave the idea, please… OK?

    At least, the big button is much better than before. I like green, but not as much as I like blue…

    (Here’s a Romanian, beware! 😆 )


  13. Tia

    The news categories are a great idea! Thank you.


  14. Pingback: Μεγάλο avatar πάτα, μεγάλη κουβέντα μην πεις… « Λεξίτυπος
  15. chrishokanson

    good stuff.


  16. Sentosa Girl

    will there be a “Search” button for everyone to search for everyone’s blogs? instead of just one blog that you are visiting?


  17. mittins

    this is excellent. i love buttons.


  18. Emo Sevenfold

    this is so nice. i wish more users will be into blogging. 😀


  19. Marfa

    :mrgreen: Funny! 🙂

    The button is really big and really green, so even the colour-blind people will be unable to miss it! 😛

    And that idea about the avatars is just great! 😀


  20. Wengistein

    Yay, catergorising and getting a file-cabinet freaky! Awesome, now hopefully I can find some blogs that I can read through without snoring.


  21. daniel

    This is so cool. Things look much tidier and organized.


  22. EscRiBiTioNiSt*

    LOL.. OK.. At least this can prove that I am not drunk.. and although I am drunk, I can still see it vividly.. :p


  23. Salve



  24. Kunal

    this news department would be really useful … no use to traverse to the tag page and then find the links you want … a really useful addition 🙂


  25. flowerchild

    wooo…new look huh? I miss the yellow 😦
    Categorizing and tags…kinda redundant right?
    A clean look nonetheless 🙂


  26. goldcoaster

    30% drunker … funny stuff 🙂


  27. axewielderx

    Umm, I never make the top lists anyway! LMAO! Ask me if I care…:)



  28. glenndavid

    long live avatars!


  29. salute

    New buttons are better than old buttons. It looks better and cool!


  30. Hafiz Rahman

    Is there any plan for the News Department to appear on the homepage with other languages (like id.wordpress.com)?


  31. Matt

    Hafiz, totally! But first we need to figure out the translations of the various words we use to target it.


  32. ♦Vegetsu Gokazama♦

    It is a tough job.. I know


  33. preciousmetal

    cool deal


  34. vegmonkey

    I think there should be a ‘growing’ or ‘gardening’ section for top posts, with the amount of people doin allotments at the moment…def a good idea, and should raise the profile and help the environment too!


  35. sanjida shaheed

    the big button is a big change – physically.
    the news departments are even a bigger change – in all regards. we won’t get to see the same old top blogs for months on end — what a relief!

    but why are some categories preffered than others? at least ALL the recent tags deserve exposure!
    think about it!


  36. 1ofHis

    Good, good.


  37. Dr. CaSo

    Great idea! You’ll need a “cooking” button then 🙂


  38. startlingmoniker

    How about an “arts” department? Could cover photography, music, fine arts, film, etc… that’s a pretty big hole you have, otherwise.


  39. darki



  40. navcity

    Now I’m no colour expert but aqua green?! its a bit of a sickly colour dude


  41. makj

    such a stupid thing!!

    why dont u just make a page-sized button??? and why not even much green and eye-killer???

    i dont like the idea of departments, it was better the list of recent and popular posts…. in this way no one can figure out what’s going on


  42. Nita

    This is a big relief (not that I expect to get into the top lists!) because it will give deserving people in different fields a chance to be noticed.


  43. ann

    You should have an “In Food” there’s a lot of upcoming food bloggers moving to wordpress, because, well, it rocks! we’d love to get some recognition too.


  44. Stephen

    love the news depts idea — how about a category: ‘In environment’ suggests the environmental journalist modestly.


  45. alicia5

    I hope you can include Real estate in spanish… Thanks WordPress.


  46. Keith

    Either “drunk” or spending too many hours working on our blogs! 🙂
    Thanks for all that you do.


  47. Perry Corneau

    yes a real estate section would be good.


  48. TC

    Very cool.


  49. nishugoyal

    why is that button green like traffic signal?


  50. masterclasslady

    Bravissimo! You guys rock our worlds!



    Whatabout ” In Photography”


  52. Onasis

    Nice improvement.


  53. januarys

    I haven’t even been to the home page to look and I’m already excited out of my mind. Let’s surf these categories while we’re wearing our new WordPress tees! Oh it’s so fun I can’t stand it.


  54. marimann

    Am really liking the new look, the new button, the new news…way to go, WP peoples.


  55. Brian

    I rate making the top lists as impossible, so that doesn’t matter to me. I do like the new look, it’s cleaner and more modern.

    How about adding a category or two for random blogs that change every couple of hours?


  56. Netty

    Brilliant – I like wordpress even more now! You’re great!! 🙂


  57. erikcurtis

    um… how about “in Technology”? In the past, many of the top posts or top blogs were related to technology. Seems to me that “in Technology” would be a likely candidate for a button.


  58. Matt

    There is a “Technology” section, and several of the others like “Art” that have been suggested here, but on page load we select a random 8 of them, so if you reload you’ll see different stuff.


  59. Woeful

    The categories are a nice enhancement!


  60. Guh

    bigger log in button please


  61. brightfeather

    … if you don’t have an avatar you won’t be able to make the top lists anymore.

    Surely you jest.


  62. FXSmom

    That’s the way to keep perty pictures on your website 😉


  63. Mocha!

    Nice….still waiting for more three column templates with changing header images when someone refreshes the page. That would be awesome!


  64. Kit

    Did I miss the Food Button? A lot of “Foodies” out here!


  65. obliterated

    Neat new homepage. You’re definitely right about the BIG sign up button now- first thing I noticed (;


  66. .:Marianis World:.

    Good for you! Congrtats!♥


  67. blayde

    Avatars ftw, and top lists!


  68. somegosoftly

    This does look great and will def. help me peruse other sites!


  69. admin



  70. fightstalker

    Great new look guys, thanks for all the hard work.


  71. hardrockhideout

    How about a news button for music?


  72. Uta Lam

    Please change the button color.


  73. that girl again

    Who the hell told you teal would look good with dark blue? Windows 98?


  74. Lady Penchants

    So much cleaner, the home page is. I love tidy and uncluttered, so two thumbs up from here!


  75. Pingback: New Look Sites Everywhere! « Diary of a Screenhead
  76. Juan Manuel Lemus

    Big. So big


  77. Dr. CaSo

    I just thought of something. Right now, you’re using tags to select the blogs, but what if the purpose of a blog is to talk ONLY about food, for example. In this case, the writer of the blog would never use the “food” tag (it’s kind of redundant since the whole blog talks only about food) and consequently, that blog would never appear in the “food” category. So what about creating a way for every blog to select a few “categories” to which they generally belong to? In our profile, we could have a few “select three that most apply to your blog” categories (personal, food, arts, politics, cars, etc.) and then these categories would be used for the selection in the news department. That way, you would also avoid having to use tags in foreign languages!


  78. Rae

    lol @ 30% drunker.

    I was trying to show a new staff member to my blog how to register and it took me 10 minutes to find the button before XD. Thanks!


  79. Nicole

    I just wanted to drop my two cents for a “craft” section … this would cover knitting/crafting sites and those who sew and stamp and scrapbook and whatever else!


  80. austria



  81. Picholine

    I second the food news and suggest religion as well.


  82. jmittell

    Another couple of categories that would be good are “Media” and “Entertainment” (and “Technology” as mentioned above). Looking forward to categorized browsing!


  83. ebonk

    Hey, Guys. You did great!

    Ngejar setoran ah… 🙂


  84. disembedded

    Entertainment section?

    Photos or Photography section?

    Music section?


  85. Budi Rahardjo

    Supersize us all??? 😀


  86. Andrew

    Hmm – maybe add a business or finance section?


  87. Lincoln

    Hmmm, 30% drunker? I like to think I can still use a computer after many beers. My typing may slow down to around 5 wpm, since I am going forward as much as I am backspacing!


  88. Courtney Watson

    Love the news departments and green (big button) is my favorite color… fantastico.


  89. Pingback: WordPress.com SCRN: July 28 2007 « Screenshot
  90. Wonderwandeling

    Hi there, Making my own log since 6 weeks now, I just love all the features you have!! Could you also make a category: Spirituality? That would be a word that could be appropriate for my log. Thank you. Greeting from The Netherlands. Christine.


  91. dinysays

    What big button? Oh… never mind, I see it. Thanks for not using red.


  92. kayinmaine

    Love it! WordPress….always thinking. Very progressive, which I like. 🙂


  93. Vb




  94. Ranjith Wijewardene

    Great stuff…thanks WordPress…Keep up the good work guys!!! Have a great day everyone! 🙂


  95. Jeff

    If you were ever drunk and tried to hit that button but missed, you now have to be at least 30% drunker than before to miss it.

    Yeah, that’s just what we need, more drunks starting blogs … 😉


  96. Rob

    Since the page only shows 8 random topics, will there be a way to browse other topics or more post within a topic?


  97. Chief Pilot or Loopa Khan

    Nice! Hopefully I won’t miss it…. 😉 Man, peoples @ WordPress sure do work hard!


  98. toni

    what should i do if i’m 50% drunker and what’s wrong with red…. Hurray, for an art department…..t


  99. hymes

    How about Regional news categories–i.e. by state in the U.S. or by country or province etc.?

    Also, how about Activism as a category?

    Also, patient and doctor and nurse blogs as a category?

    Okay, I like lots of categories….


  100. mercenario

    I have an avatar!
    I have an avatar!


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