New Theme: 2813

We’ve got a new theme for you, it’s a three-column very clean and minimalistic theme with full widget support. The two sidebars are on the right side and they’re pretty plain by default but once you get the widget action going it looks pretty sweet. This theme was developed jointly by Eli Foner, Paul Stamatiou, and Neil Patel.

Here’s a preview:

2813 preview

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  1. strategicalliance

    sweet..keep em coming…thanks


  2. Karen

    wow, you guys are on a roll! keep `em coming. thanks so much again!


  3. flirtydancing



  4. hindumommy

    looks great ! am going to try it out now


  5. Xeos Celeres

    Very nice, I love it, I may consider switching now =) Thank you!


  6. Josh

    I’m looking under the Presentation tab on one of my blogs and I’m not seeing it listed?


  7. faberdriel

    This theme is really nice. 😉


  8. tana

    Great theme!!! I like this theme much more than your previous one “Fadtastic”, which I’ve just made my current theme.

    Now, I’m going to update my blog. It was a bit difficult to find it among Available Themes, since I was looking for theme “2813”, not “Twenty-eight Thirteen”.

    Or should I wait for a bit? I wonder if the next one will be much better?


  9. gess

    Hi all,

    Does the new theme have a customizable header?


  10. Rattling the Kettle

    Nice, but does it have custom header support? I’d really love a three-column theme with custom headers. Please?


  11. girlfriday

    I like three columns. Thanks for the new themes 🙂 So much choice!


  12. avuee

    Does anyone yet have this theme activiated yet?


  13. Evey

    Nice Theme 🙂


  14. mark

    Cool theme – I love the minimalist stuff 🙂


  15. green

    Mmm.. weird and poor theme, but hey.. i bet it will have it’s fans.


  16. D. Bell

    Finally! a clean 3 column! Yay!


  17. hools

    hmm… clean. hoping for no bugs in this one!


  18. paxrock

    Looks like it will be good for people that make good use of their widgets.


  19. axewielderx

    Why always do the 3 columns with both on the same side? Just curious…Thx for the effort anyway!



  20. Gomarus

    That is a great looking 3-column. However, I sure wish you guys would try one with sidebars on the left and right instead of both on the right. That and a customizable graphic Banner and you would have my dream theme. 🙂


  21. Caravaggio

    That’s a really nice look.

    I spent a lot of time today umming and ahhhing over whether to convert to a 3 pane look. In the end I decided to keep my blog in the standard 2 pane mode because I think it appears even ‘cleaner’ and gives more real estate to the main posts … but thanks for increasing the choice, I’m sure a lot of people will jump on it!

    : )


  22. bluealone

    Great job!


  23. dresramblings

    I’m loving the additional of three column themes. Would there be a way for this theme or one like it to include a cutom header option? Just wondering…

    It looks great!


  24. bhooi

    its great, i might try it out…thanks.


  25. Rushi Vishavadia

    Excellent Matt. Lots of themes pouring in!


  26. engtech
  27. engtech

    Or at least, it will be on WP theme once it is a selectable theme. 🙂


  28. akugel

    Looks great. May be the next step for my blog!


  29. sysrq868

    Quite, quite nice!


  30. M.Can

    I think its good but banner should be colorfull and background.. hmm other, menu is 2 coloums but its near so one menu should be left one menu should be right…

    But its good.. Thnx a lot Matt


  31. ehab

    Hey matt !

    Looks very neat and clean .. 3 columns n 3 developers eh 😀 ..

    i will take my time next morning n chk this out : ) .. good luck


  32. Menco

    Uhhm… I don’t see it in the theme page…


  33. michaeldc

    Ooh, exciting :3
    I’ll check it out (;


  34. Ben

    Sorry, wasn’t looking hard enough :S


  35. بهمن

    Its Great! 😉


  36. dragonsvamp

    interesting…too white for my liking but keep it up. hopefully someone will be willing to try something less ‘modern’ and more chaotic…lol


  37. DMTigerfly

    I like that we are getting more options. THe latest theme’s have been looking pretty good!


  38. Neville

    Three themes in a row? Excellent!


  39. petrm


    Thanks, i thought i would never find a thing like well-cssed sandbox until i buy an update, but this is funtastic.
    So, you lost 15$, guys ;p


  40. gIzmHo

    nice add! tnx 🙂


  41. engtech
  42. Lady Rose and Mama Kelly

    thank you for yet another 3-column theme … I prefer having 2 sidebars and its so nice to now have a couple more options to choose from.

    mama kelly


  43. lotuseater

    Could you add Drunkey Love and Tarski as well? Would be soooo grand!


  44. tobeme

    Looking good! Following the rule of KISS on this one. (keep it simple silly)


  45. penseroso

    I keep checking the Presentations tab but I still don’t see the new theme listed. Any idea what might be happening?


  46. Soulwright

    This is such a rich tool! I am loving being here. Thank you so much for everything.


  47. gmadrid

    Looks like it could be a good one.


  48. cyesi23

    Matt, when i try it the two colums are bunched up and makit look rubbish, not like how its shown on the preview. Not sure why this is, I ee no one else has mentioned it. I agree with th comments that it would be great to have othe thre colums but thin fat thin with header we can put the image in. Ta ……. having saingd all that keep the good work going.


  49. Daniel

    It is not correnct…

    It is
    Twenty-eight Thirteen


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  51. hindumommy

    I tried it and the alignment of the sidebars are a little off….It seems as if the words in my post are running into the first sidebar….definitely needs a little bit more formatting or am i doing something wrong…?


  52. engtech

    Isn’t the name 281?

    Nope, it’s 2813, the 3 column version of 281.


  53. Sai

    Cool! For now Pressrow suites me best but I might choose to use this too anytime soon.


  54. blogscapes

    Great-more themes to choose from! Looking forward to more!!


  55. Nobodyknows

    As is said above, I think this theme (while pretty spectacular) could be even more valuable if it offered a few user-managed options such as:

    a customizable header
    the ability to align the sidebar to the left, or to have the sidebar straddle the blog.

    It’s a wonderful theme as it is, but I wouldn’t switch to it unless I had these options.


  56. Xeos Celeres

    The theme doesn’t start with the number 2, it’s titled “Twenty-eight Thirteen” 🙂


  57. Dear Aunaetitrakul

    Nice..i love it


  58. homesweethome

    I love the new themes you all are coming out with, and I love having more choices. But I would like to see more variety in colors.


  59. dawnerd

    I might consider switching to this one. I don’t think I have enough content yet.


  60. alamster

    Great, tried new theme and looks good since I have set my widget 🙂

    Thanks Matt


  61. Zeezat

    Great! Thanks…



  62. carocat

    Another 3 column theme and another theme altogether. Wow.

    Well done, guys. 🙂


  63. prakashdaniel

    very simple yet cool look…


  64. Nita

    Good to have choices. Thanks. The theme is too white though. Not everyone would like it. Sort of makes the page look untidy. However, it’s another theme with two sidebars and I am happy that now there are several. I am still a fan of the Andreas theme though. Both the Andreas themes are great.
    Looking forward to more.


  65. bullish1974

    i love white themes. this looks good.


  66. Neha Kumar

    Its very very simple!! Post in something jazzier 😀


  67. Rado

    I’m looking under the Presentation tab on one of my blogs and I’m not seeing it listed?


  68. kOoLiNuS

    Let’s try it for a while then … 😉


  69. charleslemark

    it looks good… but i hope i can see it in my presentations so that i can use it.

    anyway, congrats for the new theme.


  70. Thomas

    Really nice!


  71. Pingback: new theme: 2813 « /home/kOoLiNuS
  72. blayde

    Nice, a simple one, maybe too simple form some, but still a good theme


  73. macdavid

    now we’re cookin’… would consider a switch… three columns.. great!

    would be great if we could change the header? choose header colour or photo?
    and even awesome if columns could be either side… but i love the clean, vacant approach…. now have to figure out how to paste in that technorati button… mmmm


  74. ilmondonuovo

    This is my favorite of the new ones out! Love the minimalist look! Thanks!


  75. blindsquirrel

    “Could you add Drunkey Love and Tarski as well? Would be soooo grand!”

    lotuseater, Tarski is already there. It’s my favorite theme (this week).


  76. rumours

    WordPress rules!!..3 columns the best..^_^


  77. E@zyVG

    I don’t see it is templates section!


  78. Ali

    Looks nice with a 3 column theme. I’m kind of fond of my 1 column theme atm tho:)


  79. Carpus

    I seem to change themes every few weeks, but this one looks good. I like the simplicity, it’s easy to read, and the 3 column thing seems just fine. I miss my gout monster a little (in the header), but I was getting a little tired of him anyway …


  80. Galen

    I wish to complain that nobody ever cuts me a new 0-column theme, no matter how many times I ask (I’ll start asking again, one of these days). I suppose I have to do that myself, don’t I? 🙂 I want to be seriously minimalist, and not just minimal-minimalist. What kind of animal do you want me to become? (please continue if you think of another pun, sound-alike, etc) and I’ll play with the theme as-is, to see if I might somehow twist it ways that “they” did not intend (okay, I mean you who have created and provided the new theme, each time). Otherwise, I’d call it “done” and “perfect” and that kind of thing. Thanks for not implementing all these suggestions ahead of time. Then we couldn’t comment at all, could we?


  81. eroltooy

    It’s really simple, i like it… 🙂


  82. Dino

    This is the kind of theme that I like, white, clean, and simple. thanks..


  83. ffextensionguru

    Well, I wasn’t really sure if I was going to use this or not. I hadn’t liked the 3-column themes in the past but I have so much side-bar stuff now that is really looks great. I like now having links highlight when hovering, makes the links stand out more. Unlike other folks here, I could care less about custom header…


  84. shanru

    looks great, i will try now


  85. Jeff

    My dream theme —

    A three-column theme like Andreas 9, and the banner like Tarski.

    Please, please, please . . . pretty please!


  86. starstreet

    wow i like this new theme… it’s looks really nice n simple… i like it alot!!!


  87. clubpenguin98

    I’m gonna use it right now!


  88. belindaschneider

    this would even be cooler than pressrow i’m currently using. any chances to choose between a left and right sidebar and instead of 2 right sidebars? i know there’s andreas…


  89. technogeek

    Yah, 3 column that give the ability to post pages are great.


  90. amiripz

    Very nice one indeed.
    My compliments.


  91. Keith

    I agree with Gomarus …
    Theme with three columns – widget bars on each side and custom header … and more selections with custom headers.
    Great stuff … keep it coming.


  92. annoxero

    that looks a good one


  93. pablo

    i like this one. it got me to change from the grassroots Benevolence theme. although i wish it had a customized header. and i want to move that dang’ed search box elsewhere.


  94. kfsone

    Great theme except for the forced search box in the rightmost column (which doesn’t line up with items in the middle column) and the lack of back/next links when viewing individual threads.


  95. kOoLiNuS

    Hi … i’ve got two questions regarding this theme!

    – one is an “enhancement” request … or if it’s possible to have the main content coloumn width to be more (or equal) of 500px

    – one is if it’s possible to have the code tweaking you did for having ALL the posts categories in the main coloumn (sinche the 2813 one works on a single “main” category content)

    Thanks In Advance!


  96. kOoLiNuS

    Ops ! I forgot …
    it would be also lovely to have gravatars support in the comments!


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  98. calsifer

    I’m not seeing this theme in my list now.

    To add on to kfsone’s list, can we have the blog entries display their respective authors?


  99. DG

    I just want it back. ; ) I had a logo designed for it, and a hack for a personalized header. I really like the whitespace and the simple design.


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