
by Automattic


Ryu is a simple, clutter-free theme for personal bloggers. Not only does this theme have great readability with a large font size, it’s also excellent for showing off large, full-width featured images with (or without!) the image post format. (The maximum width is 1272px). Background color for an image post will automatically match the uploaded image in the post.

Image post format

Ryu supports Standard, Image, Video, Quote, Aside, and Gallery post formats and the theme has a special treatment for the image post format.


Background color for an image post will automatically match the uploaded image! If there are multiple images in a post, the background color will match the first image in the post.


Gravatar or Custom Header

You’ve set your Gravatar, right? Your blog should have your Gravatar! By default, Ryu will display the site owner’s Gravatar in the header. If you want to display someone else’s Gravatar, navigate to the Customizer → Theme Options and change the Gravatar email address.

If you want to display something other than your Gravatar, you can upload a Custom Header Image in Appearance → Header, or you can remove it completely by selecting Remove Header Image.


Top panel and Social Media Icons

Four optional widget areas are located at the top panel with social media links and a search field. You can add the social media links from the Customizer→ Theme Options as well.


No Menu or Custom Menu

A blog should have a menu only if it needs one. Ryu doesn’t display a menu as a default to keep it as simple as possible. Of course, if your blog needs a menu you can easily set up a Custom Menu.

Responsive Design

Ryu’s layout adjusts itself depending on the device you are using. This makes your blog look good not only on laptop browsers, but also on devices with smaller screens, such as the iPad and iPhone.


Quick Specs (all measurements in pixels)

  1. The main column width is 696
  2. The main column width for video format is 840
  3. The main column width for image format is 1272
  4. A widget area width is 264.
  5. The maximum width for a featured image is 1272 wide


simple, modern, clean, personal, blog, photo, gallery, portfolio, lifestyle, travel

This theme is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.

Have a question about this theme?Pick this design and start a site with us, we can help!