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About .uk Domains

This page explains special requirements for domains with the .uk extension.

Who can register .uk domains? is the registry for the country-code domain (ccTLD) .uk extensions that represent The United Kingdom. We support new registrations for .uk,,, and

Nominet verifies the contact details listed on your domain. If they’re unable to verify the contact details listed, your domain will be placed in a manual review state. Nominet will contact you directly to request documentation.

Domains that are not verified per Nominet’s policy are suspended by the registry. If this happens, you will need to work directly with Nominet to resolve the issue.

Registration Restrictions

If you are registering the domain on behalf of an organization, registration may fail if you enter incorrect organization information. When you add an organization, there’s a step after entering your contact info that asks for more detailed information. 

Privacy Protection

Privacy is enabled by default for individuals, though only the contact details are hidden, not the registrant’s name. Privacy is not available for organizations.

Contact Updates

These must be done manually. To update contact information, please contact us from the account/email that owns the domain.

Renewal Restrictions

The .uk redemption period is 60 days which starts after the first 30 days after expiry. Domains that reach 30 days post-expiry are also suspended by Nominet.


Transferring to another registrar

When you go through the process of transferring your domain to another registrar, you will be prompted to enter the IPS tag for your new registrar. You will need to get the correct tag from them.

Once you submit the tag, the transfer completes almost immediately. There is no way to cancel once you submit the tag.

Incoming transfers

We do not currently accept incoming domain transfers for *.uk domains. Please use the Domain Connection option instead.

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