Back to Support Account Security Key Authentication

Security Key Authentication supports login verification with virtual and physical security keys using the WebAuthn standard. This guide will show you how to add and remove security keys.

About Security Key Authentication

After entering your password, you can add an extra layer of security with two-step authentication by inputting a code sent via SMS or an app like Google Authenticator. Instead of that code, you can plug in a key, which can be:

Security Key Authentication is more secure because no one can log into your account without that physical key, even if they know the password. Your key is tied to the website/app it was created for (in this case, so you can’t be “phished” into using your key on a fake site.

Add a Key

Before you get started, set up two-step authentication with SMS or an authenticator app.

After setting up two-step authentication with an app or SMS, take the following steps:

  1. Click on your profile at
  2. On the side, select the Security menu option.
  3. Click on “Two-Step Authentication“. 
  4. Under “Security Key,” click on the “Register key” button:
The Security page of the dashboard with an arrow pointing to the Security Key's Register Key button.
  1. Type in a unique name for your key and click the “Register key” button:
Setting up a security key by giving the key a name and clicking the Register key button.
  1. If you use a password manager with your browser, such as 1Password or Google Chrome, you’ll be shown a prompt to save the passkey. If you do not wish to save the passkey here, dismiss the prompt from your password manager to choose another option, such as iCloud Keychain (for Apple users), phone/tablet/security key, or a USB Security Key:
Security key options for Google Chrome. Other browsers’ options may appear differently.
  1. Upon successful registration of the key, it will now be listed in the “Security Key” section of your Two-Step Authentication settings:
List of security keys


Consider adding a second key as a backup option and keep it somewhere you can find it should something happen to your primary key. To add additional keys, click the “Register Key” button again.

Save to iCloud Keychain

After choosing the iCloud Keychain method above, continue by signing in with your Apple ID credentials to save your key to Apple’s iCloud Keychain.

Use a Phone, Tablet, or Security Key

After choosing the phone, tablet, or security key method above, you can save your passkey to another device, such as your phone or tablet.

Use a Physical Key

To add a physical security key to your account, you will need:

After choosing the USB security key method above, continue with the following steps:

  1. Plug your key into a USB port on your computer and, depending on the type of key, either press the button or tap the gold disc on the key.
Connect and touch your security key to register it
  1. Upon successful registration of the key, it will now be listed in the “Security Key” section of your Two-Step Authentication settings:
List of security keys

Once this is set up, you won’t be able to access your account without your key, so treat it the same way you would the keys to your home or your car – keep it safe!

Remove a Key

Should you want to remove a security key you added before (for example, if a key was lost or no longer works), you can disconnect that key from your account.

Navigate back to the Two-Step Authentication settings page, as explained in the previous section, and click the Trash icon next to the key. Click “Remove Key” in the confirmation message that will appear.

Delete security key

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