Back to Support Plugins and Integrations Get Help With Plugins and Themes 

Get Help With Plugins and Themes 

Third-party plugins and themes are created by other companies and individuals and not developed by us here at In case you need support with these plugins and themes, this guide will show you how to find help.

What We Support

We offer help and support for plugins and themes developed by, including:

As your host, we also provide some initial troubleshooting and support for third-party tools. We are happy to take a look at general settings on your site related to third-party tools, such as:

Where to Get Third-Party Support

There are over 50,000 plugins, so we cannot be experts in them all! We may recommend you contact the plugin or theme’s creator for support since they are the experts in how their tools work, like when you need:

Below, we’ll show you how to contact the third-party maker of your plugin or theme if you need to get in touch with them directly.

There are many thousands of third-party themes and plugins in the WordPress ecosystem. These are the most common ways you can find support: Plugin/Theme Forum

You can use the support forum if the plugin or theme is available on the plugin or theme repository.

Search for the plugin or theme in the plugin or theme repository:

An example search page result on Plugins page with an orange arrow pointing to Elementor Website Builder

You can click through to the plugin page and find the Support tab:

An example plugin page showing Elementor Website Builder, indicating where the Support tab is in the plugin menu, with an orange box around the word Support

For a theme available on the theme repository, you can hover your mouse on top of the theme and click More Info.

An example search page of Themes page with an orange arrow pointing to Astra theme with overlay black box written More Info

Then, click the View support forum button in the lower right corner to reach the support forum:

An example theme page showing Astra theme by Brainstorm Force, indicating where the Support button is in the right sidebar with a clickable button with text View support forum

To post a forum question or start a thread, you can create a free account on (this is not connected to your account.)

Plugin/Theme Website or Email

Some third-party plugins and themes provide direct support on their website through their own channels. This is sometimes limited to their plugin or theme’s paid/pro/premium version.

You can visit the plugin or theme’s website directly to find support. Once on their website, look for a ‘Help,’ ‘Support,’ or ‘Contact’ option.

An example of Elementor page builder website homepage with orange arrow pointing to menu item Help Center. Dropdown box from Help Center: Getting Started, Video Tutorials, Website Tutorials, Help Center, FAQ, Support, and Ask the Community
The support option on the Elementor plugin website

Some plugin and theme developers have extensive documentation, tutorials, and videos about how to use their tools. Make sure you check the guides first in case they answer your questions.

Some popular plugin and theme support links are:

Troubleshooting Plugin or Theme Conflicts

If you’ve noticed an error in functionality, there may be a conflict with an active plugin or theme on your site. If you contact a third-party theme/plugin developer, they might ask you to try to temporarily deactivate the theme/plugin to see if having it turned off resolves your issue.

For a step-by-step guide on how you can troubleshoot issues on WordPress, visit our guide to Solve Problems with Plugins.

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