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LinkedIn Image Thumbnail

When you share a post or page from your site on LinkedIn, LinkedIn selects a thumbnail image to display with your link. This page explains how to control the image shown on LinkedIn.

LinkedIn Image Requirements

To ensure LinkedIn recognizes the image you want displayed in LinkedIn feeds, make sure your image meets the following guidelines from LinkedIn:

Images on mobile will not be cropped. Images of other ratios will show in-full with subtle white padding.

Share Your Homepage on LinkedIn

When you share your site’s homepage on LinkedIn, LinkedIn will check for the following images in order of priority:

  1. The featured image of the front page.
  2. Your site icon.

When you share any other pages from your site on LinkedIn, LinkedIn will check for the following images in order of priority:

  1. The featured image of the post or page.
  2. Other images found in the content
  3. If no images are found on the page, we will recommend a transparent image.

Even though we make the best effort to tell LinkedIn what images are associated with a page, their system also analyzes the page and chooses what they think is the best representation. By following the guidelines about image size and aspect ratio outlined in this guide, you have a higher chance that LinkedIn will fetch your desired image to show as a link preview.

Request an Update from LinkedIn

After changing an image on your website, you may find that LinkedIn still displays the old image.

This is because LinkedIn does not check the page each time for the current image. They store (or “cache”) an image fetched previously and use that for future shares. LinkedIn may re-check the page after 48 hours.

However, you can force LinkedIn to update its cache for your content. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the LinkedIn Post Inspector Tool.
  2. Enter the link you wish to share into the box.
  3. Click the “Inspect” button.
  4. You may need to refresh the page twice. Once the inspector tool shows the updated images and information on your post or page, try sharing it on LinkedIn again.

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