
XMPP Enabled

XMPP Enabled provides a single-function API for other plugins that use Jabber/XMPP messaging protocol.
Last updated
December 6, 2017
Active installations

XMPP Enabled provides a single function API for other plugins that use Jabber/XMPP messaging protocol. See API section for details if you want to use XMPP protocol in your notifications.

  • GitHub page:

Thanks to

  • Mako N (Japanese translation and i18n support)

Plugin API

The Single Function

The single function for sending XMPP Messages is xmpp_enabled. It can be called directly from any WordPress plugin

xmpp_enabled($recipient, $message, $subject='', $type='normal');
  • $recipient is a valid (bare or full) JID of the recipient like ‘’
  • $message is a plain text message to be sent
  • $subject is a title line for message. It is usually omitted for chat-type messages
  • $type is a type of message. It can be ‘chat’, ‘normal’ or ‘headline’. See RFC 3921 for details

Example: xmpp_send('',"Read our new post:\n",'New post is published','headline');

Create submenu in the XMPP Enabled section

XMPP Enabled creates it’s own section and you’re free to use it for your plugins. The code is 'xmpp-enabled'

Example: add_submenu_page('xmpp-enabled', 'Jabber Comment Notifications', 'Comment Notifications', 'administrator', __FILE__, 'jcommnotify_settings');

See Adding Administration Menus in WordPress Codex for further details

Freeon Creator plan
Active installations
Tested up to
This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.