
WR Price List Manager For Woocommerce

Edit prices quickly on a single screen. Create price lists and assign them to user roles. Import prices, hide prices and more.
Last updated
February 27, 2024
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WR Price List Manager For Woocommerce

WR Price List Manager has many features but what stands out is its price lists that can be assigned to any user role, making it easy to manipulate the prices of your products, create promotions or discounts in seconds.

  1. Create Price Lists Create a price list and assign it to any role. With this feature you can have multiple prices to the same product depending the user role.

  2. Quick Price Update or One-by-One Instead of going to update a product one by one, you can edit its price in the same screen

  3. Dynamic Sales Price List(Premium) Based-on Price List, you can create a price list based on other and start editing the price

  4. Create New User Roles Create as many user roles as needed with ease.

  5. Hide prices and add-to-cart button You can hide the prices and the add to the cart button for unregistered users. You can also define a custom message that will show where the price used to be, you also can put a html meesage.

  6. Create Item Price Lists from CSV(Premium) Upload an CSV file to create price list on WooCommerce.

  7. Export Price List to CSV(Premium) Export your prices, edit and upload them again.

Freeon Creator plan
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This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.