WP Component enable modular components for created beautiful content with custom fields
Last updated
October 30, 2017
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WP Component

Create powerful, intelligent and reusable components. Easily define a customized content structure.

All components that you create are reusable as many times as you like, with any content you can imagine. When you create a component, it’s easy to specify the exact content that you need. You define your own component, your own content and your own containers.

Then add any section you like (the component) in any format you choose, with any kind of content, wherever you like, as many times as you like, using your WordPress content manager!

Then add this beautiful the_wpc() wherever you like, within a page, in an existing template, or in a custom template. Or if you prefer you can set to use WPComponent directly in your content. (this option is available in wpcomponent settings and is on true by default)

Freeon Creator plan
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This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.