WP-Terminal provides a terminal-like box for embedding terminal commands within pages or posts.
Last updated
April 12, 2010
Active installations

WP-Terminal generates a terminal-like box around your terminal commands.

The code is a modification of WP-Syntax, a source code highlighter plugin for WordPress (https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-syntax/screenshots/).

Basic Usage

Wrap terminal blocks with <pre id="terminal" user="username" computer="computername"> and </pre>, being user and computer optional (“user” and “computer” will be shown if you don’t provide them). More usage examples


Wrap terminal blocks with <pre id="terminal" user="username" computer="computername"> and </pre>, being user and computer optional (“user” and “computer” will be shown if you don’t provide them).

Example 1: No customized command

<pre id="terminal"> ls -a </pre>

Example 2: User and computer customizations

<pre id="terminal" user="mariano" computer="eugene"> ls -a </pre>

Example 3: Customizing just the user

<pre id="terminal" user="mariano"> ls -a </pre>

Example 4: Customizing just the computer

<pre id="terminal" computer="eugene"> ls -a </pre>

Example 5: Multiline commands

<pre id="terminal"> ls . .. <br/> ls -a . .. .hiden_file </pre><h3>TODO</h3>1. Allow to specify working dir

2. Allow to customize prompt

Freeon Creator plan
Active installations
Tested up to
This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.