User registration and login bridge between Wordpress and Simple Machine Forum
Last updated
May 26, 2010
Active installations

WP-SMF-Bridge is a simple user registration and logon bridge between WordPress and Simple Machine Forum. To get this working, it is highly recommended that you have a fresh, unmodified install of SMF 1.1 or higher installed and running alongside an install of WordPress. It must be installed in a subdirectory under your WP install and should not be being accessed through a sumdomain. For example, if your website’s address is, your forums should be somewhere like Also, WordPress must be able to access your SMF configuration files, otherwise it won’t work!

Please do keep in mind that this is a new plugin, and has not been thoroughly tested yet – and should probably not be used on a production website! I am not responsible for any data loss that might occur through your use of this plugin! Please see the plugin’s website for a bug-tracker and bug reporting system! If you find a problem, let me know about it so that it may be fixed. If you want to see a feature added, let me know about it so that I may add it!

Freeon Creator plan
Active installations
Tested up to
This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.