WP-ShkShell provides a terminal-like box for embedding terminal commands within pages or posts. It also support multi-lines, multi-commands and has s …
Last updated
March 18, 2012
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WP-ShkShell provides a terminal-like box for embedding terminal commands within pages or posts. It also support multi-lines, multi-commands and has syntax hightlight.

The code is a modification of WP-Terminal (https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-terminal/).


Wrap terminal blocks with <pre lang="shell" prompt="$"> and </pre>.

Example 1: Default prompt

<pre lang="shell" prompt="$"> ls -a </pre>

Example 2: Customized prompt

<pre lang="shell" prompt="#"> ls -a </pre>

Example 3: Another customized prompt

<pre lang="shell" prompt="user@machine$"> ls -a </pre>

Example 4: Comments

<pre lang="shell" prompt="user@machine$"> ls -a # will also list hidden files </pre>

Example 5: Multiline commands

<pre lang="shell"> ls <br>ls -a </pre>

Example 6: Multiline lines, multiple commands

<pre lang="shell"> ls file1 file2 file3 <br>ls -A .file0 file1 file2 file3 </pre>
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This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.