Easily turn WordPress into a promotions website. Allow users to sign up as “promoters” and have them post the latest and greatest promotions for every …
Last updated
October 14, 2015
Active installations
WP Promotions

Easily turn WordPress into a promotions website. Allow users to sign up as “promoters” and have them post the latest and greatest promotions for everything from restaurants to hair salons.

Users are able to create promotions with titles, descriptions, images, categories and start/end dates. Promotions are only public (published) while in date and are automatically set to draft/trash once a promotion has ended. Users are also easily able to edit/delete promotions at any time via a super simple interface created with 4 shortcodes!

Using WP Promotions

To begin allowing users to use WordPress promotions they have to be a “promoter” or administrator role. Both roles will be allowed to access the shortcodes (point 3 of installation guide).

Freeon Creator plan
Active installations
Tested up to
This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.