A plugin that inserts dynamic updates for any GitHub repository.
Last updated
August 11, 2016
Active installations
WP GitHub Tools

Use the custom GitHub Commit widget to display a list of the latest updates from a repository. Additionally, you can use shortcodes to add commit lists or embed any gist. The plugin will cache the GitHub response for a certain time period. You can change this value to any wordpress schedules you have isntalled (default: hourly, half-day, daily). To get more time frames you will need an additional plugin that extends the cron schedules.


[gist id=’gist_id‘ ]

Embeds a gist in your post. Parameters:

  • id (required) The id of the gist you want to embed.

[commits repository=’your-repository’ count=’max-count’ title=’your-title’]

Displays the latest commits from your repository. Parameters:

  • repository (required) The name of the repository you wish to get.
  • count (optional) The number of commits to retrieve (order by date). Default: 5
  • title (optional) A title to display before the list (h2). Default: none

[releases repository=’your-repository’ count=’max-count’ title=’your-title’]

Displays the latest releases from your repository. Parameters:

  • repository (required) The name of the repository you wish to get.
  • count (optional) The number of releases to retrieve (order by date). Default: 5
  • title (optional) A title to display before the list (h2). Default: none

[chart repository=’your-repository’ width=’chart-width’ height=’chart-height’ class=’additional-css-classes’ color=’bar-color’ background=’chart-background’ count=’commit-count’ title=’your-title’]

Displays an activity chart for the given repository. Parameters:

  • repository (required) The name of the repository you wish to get.
  • width (optional) The width of the chart. Default: auto
  • height (optional) The height of the chart. Default: auto
  • class (optional) Additional CSS classes to add to the chart element. Default: ”
  • color (optional) The chart bar colors. Must be a valid color string (rgb, hex or name). Default: ‘#f17f49’
  • background (optional) The chart background color. Must be a valid color string (rgb, hex or name). Default: ‘transparent’
  • count (optional) The number of commits to retrieve (order by date). Default: 30
  • title (optional) A title to display before the list (h2). Default: none

PHP functions

Feel free to use the Gihub helper class in your theme or plugin development.

<?php WP_Github_Tools_API::get_repos($user, $access_token); ?> <?php WP_Github_Tools_API::get_user($user, $access_token); ?> <?php WP_Github_Tools_API::get_commits($repo, $user, $access_token); ?> <?php WP_Github_Tools_API::get_releases($repo, $user, $access_token); ?> <?php WP_Github_Tools_API::get_gists($user, $access_token); ?>


If you have suggestions for a new add-on, feel free to contact me on Twitter. Alternatively, you can fork the plugin from Gihub

Freeon Creator plan
Active installations
Tested up to
This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.