Display users Github public profile, repositories, commits, issues and gists.
Last updated
July 20, 2016
Active installations

WP Github provides three sidebar widgets which can be configured to display public profile, repositories, commits, issues and gists from github in the sidebar. You can have as many widgets as you want configured to display different repositories.

Currently the plugin can list:

  • Profile
  • Repositories
  • Commits
  • Issues
  • Gists
  • Pull request
  • Single Issue
  • Embed File content (with highlighter)

Using CSS

The plugin uses a basic unordered lists to enumerate. In the future will be implemented a simple template system to increase the customization.

You can apply a customized style to the plugin simply uploading a file called custom.css in the plugin folder. It will allow you to upgrade the plugin without loss your custom style.


The plugin caches all the data retrieved from Github every 10 minutes to avoid exceed the limit of api calls.

Since version 1.1 you can clear the cache from the plugin settings page located in the WordPress settings menu.

Since version 1.2.6 you can add your github credentials


If you have found a bug/issue or have a feature request please report here: https://github.com/seinoxygen/wp-github/issues

Freeon Creator plan
Active installations
Tested up to
This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.