

Use jqGrid (a jQuery plugin) to manage database tables. Use shortcode like [wpf-jqgrid table='wpf_jqgrid_sample' idtable=1 caption='nam …
Last updated
November 30, 2021
Active installations

Use the jqGrid plugin of jquery to manage MySql db tables.

Works with PHP 5.4.0 or higher: please report any issue you find, and any feature you want. I’ll try to fix the firsts and to implement the seconds!

Try it out on your free dummy site. The link spins up a new TasteWP instance with the WPF-jqGrid plugin already installed.

This is a very first release with many limitations; jqGrid offers a lot of features but only few are actually supported by this plugin.

I planned to develop many other features, but this depends by the interest of the users, and eventually from the support. If you want to contribute with a translation or writing code ask me, if you want to make a donation here’s the link.

thanks to:

  • Tobias for German de_DE translation

  • Andrijana Nikolic by WebHostingGeeks Support ( for Serbo-Croatian sr_RS translation

If any bug found please ask me for support!

Info and samples at WPF-jqGrid developer’s site

WARNING: do to a plugin rename, the current plugin directory is wp-content\plugins\wp-fjqgrid while the plugin name and the shortcode has the ‘-‘ in a different position: wpf-jqgrid.

Freeon Creator plan
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This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.