
WP Enterprise Launch Deploy

Automates the entire process for migrating your wordpress install from a test/development/source server to the live/destination server.
Last updated
April 1, 2014
Active installations
WP Enterprise Launch Deploy

Automates the entire process for migrating your wordpress install from a test/development/source to the live/destination domain. Also allows the ignoring of certain files/directories not needed to upload (e.g /cache, /.git, /.svn /.gitignore etc etc).

Here’s a list of what is accomplished during an automated deployment:

Disclaimer: Please backup any files or mysql tables on the live server. This plugin is intended for engineers with a working knowledge of linux and web development. Use at own risk.

This plugin is a fork/derivative of WP Live Server Deploy (

Freeon Creator plan
Active installations
Tested up to
This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.