
WP Content Permission

Allow site admin to display different content for login and guest users
Last updated
December 8, 2016
Active installations
WP Content Permission

Manage your content and decide what to show for a login user and what for guests. You can hide a complete post, page or any post type from guests and redirect them to any page you’ll choose. There is also the option to display just a certain content to either a member user or a guest user.

The Plugin enable you to add login form and registration form to any post page. Easy to use, no development knowledge is required

Shortcode list:

  1. [members] : Display content for login users only

  2. [guests] : Display content for guest users only

  3. [login-form] : Display login form for guest

  4. [member-name] : Display login user nickname

  5. [register] : Display registration form

Freeon Creator plan
Active installations
Tested up to
This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.