Show videos in product pages of your WooCommerce store using HTML5. It supports Mp4, Ogg, Webm and embedded videos from websites like youtube or vimeo …
Last updated
May 10, 2019
Active installations
WooCommerce HTML5 Video


If your plugin has a version less than 1.5.0, then it is highly recommended to create a backup of your database before upgrade. From version 1.5.4 of WooCommerce HTML5 Video, it is required WordPress 4.0 at least.

WooCommerce HTML5 Video is a WooCommerce add-on which allows you to add videos to products in your online store. The plugin creates a new tab in the product description page where all videos related to the product are placed.

This plugin uses HTML5 to render videos in your products. The supported video formats are MP4, Ogg and Webm. It also support embedded videos from websites like youtube, vimeo and others.


*English (default). *Spanish *Russian(Outdated) *Persian(Outdated) *Chinese(Outdated)

If you want to contribute with the localization of this plugin, you can contribute in the Github repository or send us your .mo and .po files to contact[at]


The plugin has documentation available in English and the documentation in Spanish is also available.


The plugin is available in Github. We receive patches to fix bugs and translation files. You can also add bug reports in Github issues page.

Freeon Creator plan
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This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.