Show a table of all the available variations of a variable product to make it easier for users to find the variation they are searching for.
Last updated
March 23, 2022
Active installations
Woo Variations Table

Woo Variations Table replace the default WooCommerce way to select a variation by showing a table of all the available varations with the abilty to search by a keyword, filter by attributes and an AJAX add to cart button for each variation.


  • Show a table of all the available variations of a variable product instead of forcing the customer to select the product attributes before even he can see the variation description that he want to add to cart.
  • You can control what columns to show/hide in the variations table from settings page WooCommerce -> Woo Variations Table
  • You can show variation attributes values as columns in the table.
  • You can filter the variations using the attributes values as select boxes.
  • You can search variations by typing your search keywords.
  • Each variation will have its own “add to cart” button and this button uses AJAX so no reload needed to add it to cart.
  • You can select where you want the variations table to show up in the product page.
  • You can sort the table columns as you wish using easy drag’n drop table in settings

Upgrading from 1.x

It’s completely safe to upgrade from 1.x to 2.x releases , there is no breaking changes, just cleaner code and new features.


I’m developing this plugin for you. If you discover a bug, you need a feature or have any idea to, let me know by posting your suggestion on the plugin github page..

Freeon Creator plan
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This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.