
WooCommerce Bulk Edit Coupons – WP Sheet Editor

Modern Bulk Editor for WooCommerce Coupons, create and edit hundreds of coupons in a spreadsheet inside wp-admin. Quick view and edits.
Last updated
March 27, 2024
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WooCommerce Bulk Edit Coupons – WP Sheet Editor

Edit WooCommerce Coupons Quickly. You can bulk create coupons too.

Use Cases

  • WooCommerce stores : you can view all your coupons in a single page
  • You want to Create a lot of Coupons Quickly
  • You want to Edit Coupons Quickly
  • You want to Search Coupons by Keyword, Date, Author
  • You want to Auto Generate Hundreds of Coupons at once
  • You want to copy settings from one coupon into a lot of coupons

Free Features

  • You can view all coupons
  • You can view all the coupon information
  • You can create/edit simple coupons. You can edit the coupon code, status, and amount

Premium features

Buy premium plugin Money back guarantee. We´ll give you a refund if the plugin doesn´t work.

Edit All the Coupon Fields and Restrictions: * Title * Status * Coupon Amount * Date * Modified Date * Discount type * Allowed emails * Coupon expiry date * Description * Allow free shipping * Individual use only * Exclude sale items * Product categories * Exclude categories * Exclude Product Ids * Limit Usage To Items * Maximum Amount * Minimum Amount * Product Ids * Usage Limit * Usage Limit Per User

  • WooCommerce Coupons: Make Advanced Searches You can search by multiple fields and using multiple conditions. For example, find all coupons used < 50 times and amount > 50%. Find all coupons related to specific products or categories Find all coupons where a product or category has been excluded Find all coupons that allow @gmail addresses Find coupons by date, etc.

  • Edit thousands of coupons at once We have a formulas engine that lets you update a lot of coupons quickly. You can do powerful updates. You can replace values in ANY field = Replace coupon codes, words in descriptions, category restrictions, etc. You can do math operations = Increase coupon amounts by 20%, Decrease amounts by $10, Increase usage restrictions, etc. You can generate coupon codes = You can randomize the existing coupon codes

  • Edit Coupon Custom Fields. Add new fields to the bulk editor The bulk editor automatically recognizes all custom fields added by other plugins. You don’t need to setup the new fields.

  • And more.

Buy premium plugin Money back guarantee. We´ll give you a refund if the plugin doesn´t work.

Freeon Creator plan
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This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.