
Widget Speed Test for Elementor

Identify Elementor widgets that are slowing down page rendering and load times.
Last updated
April 25, 2023
Active installations
Widget Speed Test for Elementor

Identify Elementor widgets that are slowing down page rendering and load times.

How to use

When logged-in, go to any front-end page and click the “Widget Speed Test” button in the WordPress toolbar (the black bar across the top).

More information

Page speed is such an important ranking factor, and has a huge impact on conversion rates. As a result, it’s incredibly important to optimise page load times.

Sites built with Elementor make use of “widgets”, and each widget gets rendered each time a page is loaded.

Sometimes a widget can consume more resources, which causes the page to slow down.

Widget Speed Test for Elementor helps you discover which widgets are slowing your page down, allowing you to make informed decisions about whether you should be using them or not.

We also hope that but making it easier to discover which widgets routinely cause pages to slow down, that we can help plugin authors and the Elementor team improve performance.

Freeon Creator plan
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Tested up to
This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.