
UTF-8 Database Converter

Easily Converts the WordPress database from any type of character set to UTF-8 character set.
Last updated
January 29, 2010
Active installations

Since the release of WordPress 2.2 the character set has been set by default to UTF-8 and the users that come from previously versions of WordPress, may have some problems with the old Latin1 character set and the new default UTF-8 character set. This plugin has been designed and developed with the idea to do this complex task in a easy 1-click way, so it will no require any type of advance knowledge about the topic to make use of this plugin.

Attention: This plugin is no longer being maintained by the author


This plugin makes and a irreversible job to your database so consider seriously the task to make a complete backup of your WordPress based site before proceed with the task. This plugin has been designed to be only compatible with WordPress versions 2.2.x and 2.1.x so running the plugin on other minor or major versions may have unexpected behavior.

Freeon Creator plan
Active installations
Tested up to
This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.