
Userplace – Member Subscription, Restriction & Payments

It’ll help you to monetize your site, you will able to create plans, subscriptions and restrictions that applies into view level and submission level.
Last updated
January 12, 2022
Active installations
Userplace – Member Subscription, Restriction & Payments

It’ll help you to monetize your site, you will able to create plans, subscriptions and restrictions that applies into view level and submission level.


You can check our Online Documentation from here.

The features offered by this plugin

  • Create custom user roles
  • Separate console page for logged in users
  • Membership subscription plan
  • Post submission restriction
  • Post view level restriction
  • Menu restriction
  • Console menu
  • Template builder
  • Coupons
  • Free Addons supported [Google ReCAPTCHA, Visual Composer Suported]
  • Braintree, Stripe integrated

Example Demo

We have tested it with multiple demos. Also there is a live online working demo in Userplace pluign. You can view it form here.

Our Portfilio

You can check our Portfolio from here.

Freeon Creator plan
Active installations
Tested up to
This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.