Simple plugin that gives the ability to restrict login access to specific IP addresses for specific users. Option to Auto Login user based on IP.
Last updated
November 6, 2015
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User Allowed IP Addresses

If you ever needed the ability to have a specific user account only be able to login from specific IP addresses then this is the plugin for you. It is a simple plugin that adds an IP Addresses field to the user profile screen. If you add in an IP address or a list of IP addresses that user will only be able to login from that IP address.

You have the option to redirect a user to a specific page if their IP address is not in the list of allowed IPs in the plugin options. If you don’t specify a URL it will redirect back to the homepage.

Another feature is to be able to have AUTO LOGIN from an IP address. The auto login feature does exactly what it sounds like. It will automatically login a user based on their IP Address.

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This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.