Your very own TinyURL within your OWN domain! If you DO promote your blog posts in Twitter, then you MUST make your links look cool!
Last updated
May 19, 2010
Active installations

The plugin creates a shorter link for every blog post, so instead of you can use Sweet, huh? Here’s a video presentation: Twitter Friendly Links for WordPress

  • Easy to setup and configure
  • Switch between 302 (temporary) and 301 (permanent) redirection
  • Lists all your posts/pages/attachments with short links to each
  • Shows the short link in the edit post/page form together with the text you can tweet out (trimmed to 140 characters) and a link to Twitter with the predefined text
  • You can output the twitter friendly link in your themes using the twitter_link() function
  • New function available: permalink_to_twitter_link() which takes a permalink as an argument and returns a Twitter Friendly Link (if exists)
  • Compatible with Sociable, Twitter Tools, Tweet This, SexyBookmarks and AskApache Google 404 plugins
  • Compatible with WordPress MU and BuddyPress
  • Configurable linking relations (HTML and HTTP) for rel=shortlink, and rel=canonical
  • Super easy tracking with Google Analytics! Destination links are Taggable!
  • You can now switch to alphanumeric links for sexy links with numbers and letters like
  • Caching with .htaccess option now available
  • Even shorter links with customizable shortlink base URL
  • More coming up soon!

YES, I do consider feature requests, and that is what makes this plugin work. The discussions go here: Twitter Friendly Links

Freeon Creator plan
Active installations
Tested up to
This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.