
TW Header & Footer Codes

TW Header & Footer Codes is plugin that will help you add HTML, JavaScript of CSS codes to the head and footer part of your WordPress website.
Last updated
March 18, 2019
Active installations
TW Header & Footer Codes

Add Header and Footer Codes/Scripts Easily

Add custom HTML, JavaScript or CSS codes or scripts to your WordPress website with ease. You can easily add Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel tracking codes and other custom codes using this plugin.


  • Global header code injection, will load the codes on all pages inside tag
  • Global footer code injection, will load the codes on all pages before tag
  • Page/post specific header codes, will only load the codes on that that specific page only inside tag
  • Page/post specific footer codes, will only load the codes on that that specific page only before tag
  • Post type support, you can choose which post type will be able to add it’s own header / footer codes (support custom post type)

Privacy and GDPR

This plugin does not collect or process any personal user data.

Freeon Creator plan
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Tested up to
This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.