Tip of The Day is a plugin that display random tips, quotes, polls... for your users, in a widget.
Last updated
November 12, 2010
Active installations

Tip of The Day is a plugin that display random tips, quotes, polls… for your users, in a widget.

=Features= * Widgetized * You can make a poll of your tip. The logged users will be able to answer to it and you’ll see the results in the dashboard. You can set custom answers. * Uses custom post types and taxonomies, very easy to admin the tips. * Ability for a logged user to hide a tip definitely. It will no more appear to him. When creating your tip, you can choose if it is hidable or not. * Ajaxed. You can refresh the tip, close it, answer to a poll or hide it definitely without leaving the page.

Know Bugs

  • Fatal error at the activation (function duplicated ?)
  • Ajax functions not firing when using WP (it works with BP)
Freeon Creator plan
Active installations
Tested up to
This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.