Video for Small Businesses & Big Ideas
Last updated
November 14, 2023
Active installations

Upload, encrypt and publish your videos, use your own branding, and host your files wherever you like.

With the only video host that supports your courses, your marketing funnels, and your budget.

Preview images are automatically generated for the materials added to our hosting. They are pulled up remotely to the plugin page to make it easier for you to navigate your media materials.

Also, the script remotely connects to the pages where the video was embedded with this plugin. This script is required for communicating messages between the player and the webpage the player is on. For example, page is informed when the video is finished or page lets the player know who is watching the video and in what context.

By installing the plugin, you agree to the terms of use of the resource Privacy URI:

Freeon Creator plan
Active installations
Tested up to
This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.