Want to display images as a slideshow in the page or post? Then use space gallery WordPress plugin.
Last updated
December 1, 2022
Active installations
Space gallery

Want to display images as a slideshow in the page or post? Then use space gallery WordPress plugin.

Check official website for live demo http://www.gopiplus.com/work/2010/08/14/space-gallery/

Want to display images as a slideshow in the page or post? Then use space gallery WordPress plugin. Its just another image slideshow show gallery. Space Gallery is a JQuery based slideshow plugin that provides smoky out of the fantasy effect to images. Bring in a smooth sliding effect to image views with this wonderful JavaScript slider.

Plugin configuration

Short code for pages and posts: Paste the given short code in the posts and pages. the name of the XML file available in the short code.

Add directly in the theme: Use the given PHP code to add the gallery to your theme files directly.

Freeon Creator plan
Active installations
Tested up to
This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.