This plugin will extract the daily solat or salaat (Islamic prayer) times for a specified location based on calculations made by
Last updated
March 1, 2008
Active installations

Muslims need to observe their daily prayer times. With this plugin installed, you’re not just reminding yourselves to perform the solat (or salaat), but you’ll also be reminding your blog visitors as well.

It is a plugin for you to display the daily Islamic prayer times (including sunrise) for your location of choice according to the calculations made at

The plugin allows you to apply your own styling (using CSS) to the prayer times table. By default it will follow the calendar style of your theme.


To display the prayer times, place this code:

<?php if(function_exists('solat_times')) { solat_times(); } ?>

To display on sidebar, use this:

<?php if(function_exists('solat_times')) { echo " <li id='calendar'><h2>Prayer times</h2>"; solat_times(); echo " </li>"; } ?>
Freeon Creator plan
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Tested up to
This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.