
Social Media Integrated Related Content (SMIRC)

Like trackbacks, but not -- this plugin searches and displays content related to your CONTENT, not just posts that link to yours.
Last updated
April 4, 2009
Active installations

Searches various data sources (Google Blog Search and Twitter) for posts related to your content and displays links/summaries on your page or inside your posts. These links and summaries can be displayed anywhere and any way you wish — below your post, in a sidebar, etc. With the magic animation power of jQuery, SMIRC content can be hidden until a user clicks the customizable header.

SMIRC performs related content searching (at least in this version) by creating RSS feed URLs for the various data sources. The RSS feed is parsed and converted into XHTML for display in your blog.

All PHP is separated into logical classes and files, and all XHTML is standards-compliant. Lists of links, authors, and summaries are built using standard UL and LI tags, and can be modified to fit your theme via two CSS files contained within this plugin.

SMIRC is released to the WordPress community under the GPL. Please feel free to modify as you see fit, and if you find this plugin useful, donate to the author. All feedback is welcome at, and you can visit the author’s websites at and

UPDATE FOR v1.1: Fixed a bug with setting header text.

Freeon Creator plan
Active installations
Tested up to
This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.