Capture new subscribers. Reward subscribers with custom downloads upon opt-in. Build unlimited lists. Import and export subscribers easily.
Last updated
April 23, 2020
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The ultimate email list building plugin for WordPress. Capture new subscribers. Reward subscribers with a custom download upon opt-in. Build unlimited lists. Import and export subscribers easily with .csv files. Export to MailChimp using .csv files!

Some of the awesome features include:

  • Create unlimited email lists
  • Capture subscribers with custom forms using a Shortcode
  • Double opt-in for confirming subscriptions
  • User unsubscribe feature with a subscriptions manager
  • Reward subscribers with an exclusive download when they opt-in
  • Easily export subscribers to a CSV
  • Export to MailChimp using the Snappy List Builder export file
  • Easily import subscribers from a CSV
  • Automatically email subscribers when they sign up and opt-in

Learn how to build this plugin!

This plugin is the result of what you’ll learn in The Ultimate WordPress Plugin Course: An online video course to teach you how to become a WordPress plugin developer today. Head over to to learn more!

Freeon Creator plan
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This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.