
Chatbot with ChatGPT WordPress

Advanced Chatbot with ChatGPT for Intuitive Customer Interaction and Smart Search on WordPress. Quick interface for relevant results.
Last updated
June 3, 2024
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Chatbot with ChatGPT WordPress

Advanced Chatbot with ChatGPT for Intuitive Customer Interaction and Smart Search on WordPress. Quick interface for relevant results.

SmartSearchWP is a powerful natural language processing tool for websites. It offers relevant search results through an intuitive interface and customizable settings, enhancing user experience.

Please note that the chatbot will only use the context provided by the user in its responses.

Administrators can now customize the chatbot’s context by selecting which pages to include or exclude. This ensures that the chatbot only provides information that is relevant to your website.

The chatbot uses OpenAI as a third-party service to generate its answers. You can find more informations about OpenAI by following this link: and consult their privacy policy here:

Why Choose SmartSearchWP?

Intelligent Search: Understands user queries through natural language processing to provide relevant results.

Context Customization: Administrators can tailor the chatbot’s context for more accurate responses.

Easy to Install and Configure: Get up and running in minutes with our intuitive user interface.

OpenAI Integration: Powered by ChatGPT3.5 & ChatGPT4 for quick and natural responses.

Secure and Private: Only uses the context provided by the user, ensuring data privacy.

Responsive Support: Quick and effective technical support for all your queries.

Regular Updates: Stay up-to-date with frequent new features and improvements.

Wide Compatibility: Tested with the latest WordPress and PHP versions.

Comprehensive Documentation: Detailed guides and FAQs to help you get started.

Multilingual Support: Use SmartSearchWP globally with multiple language support.

Freeon Creator plan
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Tested up to
This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.