
Simple Website Redirect

A simple plugin designed to redirect an entire website (except the WordPress admin) to another website.
Last updated
September 29, 2021
Active installations

The Simple Website Redirect plugin allows to you redirect an entire website (except the WordPress admin) to another website.

The URL path and query string is preserved when redirecting to the new site. Ideally, the new site would handle any one-off redirects where a URL for an old page should point to a new page. The Redirection plugin is great for this purpose.

Find out more about website redirects for SEO.

Usage Instructions

Using this plugin is simple:

  1. Install the plugin
  2. Activate the plugin
  3. Go to ‘Settings’ in the WordPress admin menu and then click on ‘Website Redirect’.
  4. Enter the URL you want to redirect the site to, set the desired redirection type, set the status to ‘Enabled’ and save your changes!

Note: Redirection type can either be ‘Temporary’ or ‘Permanent’. It is recommended that you start with ‘Temporary’ while testing and then convert to ‘Permanent’ after testing for maximum SEO benefit. Please be aware that browsers cache permanent redirects.

Freeon Creator plan
Active installations
Tested up to
This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.