
Simple Htaccess Redirects

Appends the correct code into the .htaccess file for redirection.
Last updated
September 5, 2019
Active installations
Simple Htaccess Redirects

This plugin was created to make it easier for users to write redirection rules for their site. It generates the correct redirect code to match the user’s request and places it into the .htaccess file. This plugin has a button that uses a 3rd party validator to give the user confirmation that the .htaccess file is formatted correctly. The 3rd party’s terms of service can be found here. No user data is sent to the 3rd party; only .htaccess file contents. You can contact the 3rd party on their contact page. This 3rd party is a free services created by LexiConn Internet Services Inc.. Their privacy policy can be read here.

Freeon Creator plan
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This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.