
Simple Header Footer Scripts

Very simple Header Footer Scripts plugin with no ads or paid upgrades.
Last updated
June 4, 2018
Active installations

Simple Header Footer Scripts plugin lets you insert code in head and footer of any WordPress theme without editing theme files. Easily add custom CSS, JavaScript, Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel, etc. to your WordPress site.


  • Built to be as simple as possible. Easy to use.
  • Insert code or script, including HTML and Javascript
  • Insert Google Analytics code in any WordPress theme.
  • Add custom CSS and JavaScript in the header or footer.
  • Add Facebook Pixel code to wp_head or wp_footer.
  • Easily Save, Reset, Import and Export Settings
  • Syntax highlight available for the code editor.
  • Option to disable insertion of scripts in the frontend.
  • Set the execution priority of each hook.
  • No ads. No paid upgrades.
Freeon Creator plan
Active installations
Tested up to
This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.