Show your repo(s) on the wordpress through a simple shortcode. Modular structure, on-demand expansion, open source code. Show the code-managed reposit …
Last updated
May 30, 2020

Show your repo(s) on the wordpress through a simple shortcode.

How to Use

Add the shortcode to anywhere you want to display: [show-repo src="{{code-managed plant}}" user="{{username that the repo want to display}}" repo="{{repository name that the repo want to display}}"/]

Example Code

  1. [show-repo src="github" user="joytou" repo="WP-Bing-Background"/]
  2. [show-repo src="gitee" user="joytouwu" repo="WP-Bing-Background"/]

Upgrade Notice

The ‘./mod/’ directory needs to be backed up before updating, it will be overwritten through the system update mechanism.

Steps to Upgrade

  1. Back up the plugin directory, deactive the plugin, and then delete the plugin directory before upgrade to new version.
  2. Upload and unzip the new version to its original location, active plugins, plugin configuration sits to automatically inherit.


Welcome to help to improve the plugin if you have any idea or you had caught any bug. Please email me Thanks~

Freeon Creator plan
Tested up to
This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.